Fecomic presents: Rance Quest – A Manga Adventure!

Are you ready for an action-packed manga adventure? Join Rance, the daring hero, as he takes on the world of thieves and rescues damsels in distress. In this thrilling chapter, Rance’s quest to save Pulptenks takes an unexpected turn. Get ready for intense battles and steamy encounters!

A Swift Showdown

Rance was prepared for a fierce battle, but it ended almost as quickly as it began. With lightning-fast reflexes, he effortlessly parried the twin-haired boss’s attacks. In a bold move, Rance launched his opponent against the wall, disarming him in the process. Despite the boss’s resilience, Rance seized the opportunity and dealt a powerful blow with his trusty Rance Sword MkIV.

A Surprising Twist

But just when Rance thought the fight was over, the tables turned. The boss dodged Rance’s attack, causing the sword to embed itself in the cave wall. Undeterred, Rance used his head as a weapon, delivering a devastating Rance Headbutt. The boss fell to the ground lifeless, or so Rance thought. To ensure his victory, Rance pierced the boss’s heart with a final strike.

Rescuing Pulptenks

With the boss defeated, Rance turned his attention to Pulptenks. Her bindings were swiftly removed, and Rance couldn’t help but notice her distressed state. Determined to protect her, Rance guided her out of the room, his arm wrapped tightly around her. However, their escape was interrupted by the discovery of an old man trapped in concrete.

The Curious British Man

Confused by the old man’s predicament, Rance couldn’t resist engaging in conversation. The old man revealed himself as a British national, trapped for longer than the thieves’ reign. Eager for news from the surface, the old man learned of the demise of the Demon King and the rise of a new ruler, the mysterious Little Princess. Intrigued, Rance bid farewell and continued his escape with Pulptenks.

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A Safe Return

After a seamless journey, Rance and Pulptenks made it to the Castle Town. Along the way, they encountered a surprised Leazas guardsman, who noticed the missing girl in Rance’s arms. Unfazed, Rance continued his mission, escorting Pulptenks back to her home. There, they found her father fast asleep, having drowned his sorrows in wine. Pulptenks, worried for her father, tended to him while Rance prepared to depart.

An Unexpected Invitation

Before Rance could leave, Pulptenks grasped his hand, preventing his departure. In a hesitant voice, she invited him to stay the night. Rance couldn’t resist the invitation, especially when Pulptenks subtly revealed her affections. With the bar as their refuge, Rance spent the night with the girl who had fallen in love with him.

What Lies Ahead

As morning dawned, Rance knew it was time to continue his investigation. There were still many mysteries to unravel. With newfound allies and a determined mindset, Rance was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

That’s it for this chapter of Rance Quest! Join us next time for more thrilling adventures and surprising twists. Stay tuned for the next chapter of this addictive manga series, exclusively brought to you by Fecomic.
