Rescue Me Ova: Secrets of the Ecchi/Harem Genre Revealed

Do you ever get confused between ecchi anime and hentai? Well, you’re not alone! I’ve noticed a growing trend where the lines between the two are becoming blurred. Like when I watched Nozoki Ana in June, I was convinced that it was hentai mistakenly categorized as an ecchi anime. And just last night, Rescue Me! gave me the same impression. Brace yourself, my friends, because the hentai shock is becoming all too familiar. Let’s dive into the juicy details, shall we?

Mizutani Masayuki

A Maid Surprise

Rescue Me! revolves around our protagonist, Mizutani Masayuki, a high-schooler who lives alone while his parents work away from home. Can you imagine having the house all to yourself for an entire year? Oh, the things I would do! But Masayuki’s quiet life takes an unexpected turn when he returns home one day to find his schoolmate, Shimizu, dressed in a skimpy maid outfit. Talk about a surprise!


It turns out that Shimizu’s parents are close friends with Masayuki’s, so they asked her to become his maid and take care of all his needs. And when I say “needs,” I mean all his needs. Yes, you’ve guessed it – this is your classic hentai ecchi, harem romance story. But don’t worry, it’s not all about the adult content. There’s more to this anime than meets the eye.

Quirky Characters and Unexpected Twists

Let’s take a closer look at the cast of characters in Rescue Me!. First, we have the stereotypical envious guy friend. Usually, this character archetype is funny, but in this case, I’m not really amused. However, I hope he finds his own love interest so he can let go of his envy towards Masayuki’s good fortune.

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Jealous friend

Next, there’s the younger aunt, Yuka, who initially gave the impression of being a brocon (a sister complex). When she entered the scene, calling Masayuki “Onii-chan” (big brother) and flirting with him, I couldn’t help but question the dynamics of their relationship. Is she really his aunt? What kind of shenanigans is Masayuki’s grandmother involved in? The age gap between them is quite puzzling, but maybe Yuka started young. Let’s think of it from that angle to make it less disturbing.

But wait, there’s more! We have the full-blown yandere, Mai-chan, who has a strong obsession with Yuka. She even wants Masayuki to impregnate her so she can have a blood relative to strengthen her connection with Yuka. Her fantasies, especially her idea of “raping” Masayuki, are both hilarious and disturbing. Surprisingly, the only thing censored in this anime is the genitalia. It’s almost like watching hentai with a little less explicitness. Highschool of the Dead can be considered ecchi, and that’s a perfect example to compare. However, when it comes to Rescue Me!, I must admit that it offers a lot more in terms of sexual content compared to Nozoki Ana.

Shizumu stalks!

Shimizu, another character, also has yandere tendencies, but she’s slightly milder compared to Mai. Personally, I find her character quite intriguing, and I secretly hope that Masayuki ends up with her. Surprisingly, he doesn’t show any interest in any of the girls. He remains mostly irritated by the absurdity of the situation, with no signs of arousal. Oh, how I know someone who would love to be in his shoes!

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Moving Forward

In the end, Rescue Me! focuses on Masayuki’s interactions with the girls and their wild sexual fantasies about him. But don’t worry, things take an interesting turn when Shimizu kisses him, and he smiles in response. Bravo, Shimizu! You’ve earned one point in my book. As the anime concludes, Masayuki gradually becomes accustomed to his new reality, most likely because he’s exhausted all his anger. Well, now that it’s all said and done, I can’t help but feel the strong urge to read the manga. Shall we give in to temptation?

Farewell, my friends, until we meet again! But before we part ways, remember to check out Fecomic for more exciting content like this. Stay tuned for more jaw-dropping secrets about your favorite manga and anime!