Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2: Will the Anime Ever Return?

shironeko project zero chronicle season 2

The first season of “White Cat Project” came to an end nearly a year ago, leaving fans wondering whether there will be a second season of “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle.” Although the anime didn’t receive a positive response overall, it has managed to maintain a loyal fan base due to its connection with the popular game. Now, these fans are clamoring for more episodes of this captivating show. So, is there any hope of the anime’s return? Let’s dive in to find out.

A Closer Look at Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle

“Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle,” also known as “White Cat Project,” is a thrilling Japanese action-adventure anime series. The show is an adaptation of a renowned RPG video game bearing the same name. The inaugural season of this animated series was produced by Project No 9 and premiered on April 6, 2020. It ran for a total of twelve episodes, concluding on June 22, 2020.

Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2

White Cat Project Anime: A Critical Review!

With the video game franchise’s popularity, fans had high expectations for the anime adaptation. However, unfortunately, it fell short of meeting those expectations. “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle” turned out to be one of those shows with more negatives than positives. After its promising initial episode, the series took a nosedive. It lacked development in various aspects, including soundtracks, characters, and plotline.

As the show progressed, many viewers dropped it midway due to its increasingly dull nature. The only redeeming quality was its impressive animation. Despite this, the lack of a captivating story and character development made the action sequences uninteresting. All in all, “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle” offered little besides stunning visuals, ultimately earning itself the undesirable title of one of the worst-rated shows of the previous year.

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Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2

Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2: The Unlikely Renewal

As mentioned earlier, the debut season of the anime didn’t perform well. It received mixed to negative responses from both the audience and critics alike. Moreover, “White Cat Project” holds a disappointing score of 5.30 on MyAnimeList, significantly lower compared to other shows in the same genre. Additionally, the anime lacked any significant promotional material apart from the game itself. Thus, considering all these negative factors, it is highly unlikely that the production company will invest in “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2.” The odds of the anime returning to the screens are almost zero.

Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2

Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2: Release Date Expectations

Given the slim chances of a renewal, it would be nothing short of a miracle if the makers decide to give this series another shot. In such an unlikely scenario, Project No 9 would require at least one and a half years to animate the second season. Hence, fans can tentatively anticipate the premiere of “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle Season 2” sometime in 2023. We will keep you updated in this section once any official announcement regarding its renewal arises.

So, mark your calendars and keep your fingers crossed for a possible return of “Shironeko Project Zero Chronicle.” Don’t forget to visit Fecomic for more exciting manga and anime updates. Stay tuned!