Magnetricity: A Mesmerizing Journey of Hope and Discovery


Have you ever felt the irresistible pull of adventure, the yearning to discover something new? Well, let me introduce you to a captivating manga that will take you on a journey like no other. Enter the enchanting world of “Magnetricity” – a tale of drama, fantasy, and psychological exploration. Allow me to share with you the secrets and wonders hidden within its pages.

star strings yori

Unveiling the Story

“Magnetricity” is a short but powerful manga written by the talented Akihito Tsukushi. Although it consists of only one chapter, it leaves a lasting impact on readers’ hearts. The story revolves around Kuroru, a young girl who finds herself alone on a planet, craving for human connection. One day, she stumbles upon a mysterious red string, leading her to believe that there might be someone else out there.

A Climb to the Unknown

Driven by hope and curiosity, Kuroru embarks on a perilous journey to the other end of the string. Through Tsukushi’s breathtaking artwork, we witness the protagonist’s determination and resourcefulness as she prepares herself for the unknown. From practicing starvation to crafting protective gloves, Kuroru’s resilience shines through.

The Magnitude of the Distance

As Kuroru climbs higher and higher, the magnitude of the distance between planets becomes apparent. Tsukushi masterfully creates a sense of danger and suspense, reminding us that even the slightest misstep could result in an eternal drift through the abyss of space. Yet, hope fuels Kuroru’s spirit, pushing her forward.

A World of Desolation

Upon arriving at her destination, Kuroru’s heart sinks. The new world greets her with inhospitable conditions – no sustenance, no drinkable water, and no companionship. Her only solace is the vibrations she feels through the string, a sad reminder that the contact she craves is merely a self-generated illusion.

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Surviving Against the Odds

Despite the harsh reality, Kuroru adapts to her new surroundings. She finds sustenance in peculiar edible stones and manages to build a shelter amidst the shifting landscape. Over time, she creates dolls, each given her own name, as a feeble attempt to combat her loneliness. Kuroru’s strength to endure and adapt tugs at our heartstrings.

Another String of Hope

Just when it seems that Kuroru’s journey has reached its conclusion, she discovers a blue string intertwined with a thinner blue strand. Determined to find the hypothetical world on the other side, she embarks on yet another climb, driven by her unwavering desire for human connection. Will she find what she’s been searching for?

An Allegory of Hope

“Magnetricity” serves as a poignant allegory for those who pursue their dreams with hope, only to face disappointment along the way. However, the manga reminds us that hope never truly fades. As we continue on our own journeys, new opportunities may arise, leading us to fulfill our deepest desires. The world may be unforgiving, but we have the power to shape our own destinies.


I wholeheartedly recommend “Magnetricity” as a must-read manga that will leave you contemplating the power of hope and the strength of the human spirit. The combination of Akihito Tsukushi’s evocative storytelling and stunning artwork scores a well-deserved 8.5 out of 10. So, my fellow adventurers, are you ready to embark on your own extraordinary journey?

You can find “Magnetricity” and more captivating manga on Fecomic, where imagination knows no bounds.

You’re on a journey, aren’t you? But it’s not over, is it?