Manga “Sweet Dreams” – The Perfect Dream Come True!


Have you ever had a dream so enchanting that you wished it would become a reality? In the captivating manga “Sweet Dreams,” the protagonist, Franky, experiences a magical encounter that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. Let’s dive into this heartwarming tale of love and self-discovery!

An Unforgettable Awakening

As Franky slowly opens his eyes, he can hardly believe what he sees. You, the object of his affection, lie beside him in his bed, peacefully asleep. Mesmerized, he can’t help but gaze at you in awe. Your (h/c) hair slightly tousled from the night’s events, your exquisite face, and your alluring lips… Franky struggles to comprehend if this is all just a dream, a figment of his imagination. But as you stir and your (e/c) eyes lock with his, he knows this is undeniably real. A genuine smile illuminates your face as you greet him:

A Dream Within a Dream

“- Hey… Did you sleep well?” you ask, your voice filled with warmth and affection.

Franky, still questioning the reality of the situation, cautiously responds, “- Yeah, thanks. And you?”

Surprised at how incredible the night was, you can’t help but share your delight, “- Very well. Yesterday was incredible.”

Franky’s mind draws a blank. He can’t remember anything from the previous night. Feeling slightly uneasy, he admits, “- Yeah, sure… Er… (y/n)… I’m not sure I remember everything.”

You burst into laughter, causing Franky’s cheeks to flush with embarrassment. His heart skips a beat as he finds solace in the musical sound of your laugh, akin to the delicate chime of a tiny bell. Curious, you inquire, “What do you remember exactly?”

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With a hint of worry, Franky admits, “Actually, almost nothing.”

Amused by his amnesia, you tease, “Wow. I didn’t know you were this drunk.”

Fear consumes Franky as he contemplates his actions while under the influence. If he couldn’t remember anything aside from your name, who knows what he might have done?

A Night to Remember

Concerned about Franky’s memory lapse, you reassure him, “Okay, it doesn’t matter, I’ll help you. We met at a cozy little bar just a few streets away… Still don’t remember?”

Franky shakes his head, desperately trying to recall the forgotten moments.

“We talked, we laughed, we drank… A lot, apparently,” you explain, a smile gracing your lips, causing Franky’s blush to deepen.

“And then, you took me here, and then… Oh, come on, don’t tell me you forgot this too,” you playfully nudge him.

Suddenly, fragments of memories flood Franky’s mind. The bar, the clinking glasses, your radiant smile, and the chilly night air that made you shiver. Being too intoxicated to notice your discomfort, Franky selflessly offered you his sweater. But what happened next?

It hits him like a bolt of lightning. The softness of your lips against his own, your skin radiating warmth despite the cold… It was real.

A Revelation

“So?” you prompt, eager to hear his recollection.

“I really did this?” Franky asks, seeking confirmation.

You respond with a playful smirk, “I guess so.”

Overwhelmed with emotions, Franky musters the courage to ask, “And you… you stayed?”

Mocking his doubt, you reply, “What kind of girl do you think I am? Did you think I would kiss you, come into your bed, and then abandon you in the middle of the night?”

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Feeling relieved, Franky confesses his vulnerability, tears welling up in his eyes, “No, it’s just… It’s just that’s how it usually goes.”

Concerned, you ask, “Hey, Franky, are you okay?”

Trying to compose himself, he responds, “Yeah…”

Noticing his tears, you press further, “Are you crying?”

Embarrassed, Franky quickly denies it, but the truth is undeniable. “(y/n)… Do you really want to be here? I mean, do you truly want to be here, next to me?”

With utmost sincerity, you reassure him, “Of course I do!”

You embrace Franky, offering comfort as tears stream down his face. “Shh, it’s okay. Calm down… I… I really like you, you know?”

Moved by your words, Franky admits, “(y/n), when I woke up and saw you, I thought I was dreaming…”

Smiling tenderly, you reciprocate his feelings. Together, you realize that if this were a dream, it would be the most extraordinary one you could ever imagine.
