Fecomic Presents: Tales of Zestiria Episode 6

tales of zestiria episode 6

This episode contains Tales of Berseria spoilers. The game doesn’t come out in Japan until the 18th and will come out early 2017 outside of Japan. However, this could be different from the game, so if you still want to watch, then go ahead.

Before we delve into the summary, I have to mention that I deleted my Orange Episode 1 Summary/Thoughts post as I decided to do an Orange anime review when it ends.

Alright, let’s get started with the episode!

The Confrontation Begins

As the rain pours down, Velvet and Seres walk towards the port. Oscar’s boat arrives, but their attention is diverted by the sight of a girl in a strange outfit flying past the boat. Seres greets Oscar and he expresses disbelief at her betrayal of Artorius. Velvet jumps down to meet Oscar and tells him that she plans to steal his ship to take down Artorius. Oscar’s soldiers prepare to fight, but he stops them, saying that her words merit certain death. Rays of lightning strike towards Velvet and Seres, though luckily, they remain relatively unscathed.

A Duel Begins

Velvet and Oscar engage in a battle of strength and skill. Velvet showcases her impressive combat abilities, using both her arms and legs to attack. The animation is smooth and the CGI is stunning. Velvet’s hybrid battle style, combining twin swords and martial arts, is a sight to behold.

A Dragon Appears

Just as the battle intensifies, a dragon suddenly appears, causing confusion amongst the fighters. The dragon launches a savage assault, attacking Oscar’s men and even snatching one away in its jaws. The dragon proves to be a formidable opponent, dodging Oscar’s magical attacks and effortlessly destroying his boat.

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Introducing Magilou

In the midst of the chaos, a mysterious girl named Magilou makes a flamboyant entrance. She demonstrates her magical prowess by halting the dragon’s advance. Rokurou, another companion, joins the fray and fights alongside Magilou to protect the ship. Together, they manage to fend off the dragon and prevent further destruction.

The Sacrifice

As the battle rages on, Velvet and Seres find themselves severely wounded and trapped. Seres reveals that there is a way for Velvet to gain the strength needed to defeat Artorius – by devouring her. Seres willingly offers herself, explaining that she is bound by a covenant to fulfill Velvet’s desire for revenge. Velvet, consumed by anger and sorrow, accepts Seres’ sacrifice and devours her. In the process, Velvet receives a comb, a memento of her deceased brother.

A New Resolve

With newfound power, Velvet emerges from the prison and confronts the dragon once more. Using her demonic arm and a ring given to her by Seres, she unleashes a powerful fire attack. Oscar, shocked by Velvet’s transformation, tries to stop her, but she defiantly declares her determination to devour everything in her path, including daemons, malaks, and exorcists. In a climactic explosion, the dragon is defeated, and Velvet and her companions successfully steal a ship.

The Journey Continues

As they set sail, Magilou and Rokurou inquire about their destination, but Velvet remains silent, lost in her thoughts. She clutches the comb, a reminder of her brother’s memory. In a dream, she asks her brother why birds fly across the sky, and he responds by mentioning the need for food and the desire to escape from enemies, but his words are cut short by a vivid flashback of the tragic events that shaped Velvet’s life.

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Filled with a deep desire for revenge, Velvet shares her plans to head to Midgand, leaving behind a sense of uncertainty and anticipation for what lies ahead. The episode concludes with Velvet gazing at the sky, fueled by her unwavering determination.

And that’s the end of the Berseria episodes. Next week, we return to Sorey and his companions.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Tales of Zestiria brought to you by Fecomic! What did you think of Berseria so far? Did it ignite your interest in the game? Share your thoughts and join the conversation. Remember to check out Fecomic for more exciting content!
