Terra Formars Cockroach: The Most Blatant, Hilariously Racist Manga/Anime

terra formars cockroach

Racism in media is often insidious, lurking just beneath the surface. But in the case of Terra Formars, a manga and anime series by Yū Sasuga, there is nothing subtle about it. The racism is blatant, serving no discernible agenda other than to be pure stupidity. However, it’s also oddly amusing.

The Plot: Humanity’s Mess on Mars

The story revolves around a classic sci-fi concept: humanity’s attempt to terraform Mars after destroying Earth. As part of the process, roaches were sent to Mars, where they evolved into giant monsters known as terraformars. These creatures, approximately 2 meters tall, are depicted as caricatures of black individuals with dark skin and nappy hair. They possess incredible speed, strength, and aggression towards humans. The mission of our heroes is to exterminate them all and colonize Mars.

Blatant Racist Imagery

The racist imagery in Terra Formars is impossible to ignore. Screenshots from the manga/anime portray these roaches in various problematic ways:

  • Firing guns with a side grip, an inexplicable ritual.
  • Walking across a field that they technically lived on first, but are deemed less advanced and therefore unworthy of existence.
  • Accessorizing and featuring a suggestive phallic cannon.
  • Brandishing a human head and running like an athlete.

The visuals speak for themselves, perfectly capturing the racism that permeates the series.

terra formars racism

The “Apex of Mankind”

The author’s portrayal of Joseph Gustav Newton sheds light on their mindset. Described as “Second only to God” and “#1,” Joseph is humanity’s deadliest roach killer. He’s the result of centuries of selective breeding, with a perfectly sculpted body, unparalleled strength, and charisma. This disturbingly positive depiction of eugenics contrasts with its historical implications. Joseph’s flawless existence reflects the writer’s troubling perspective.

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Superficial Defense and Other Offensive Elements

Some defenders of Terra Formars may point out the existence of black characters like Wolf Redfield and Victoria Wood. However, these characters do not mitigate the overt racism present throughout the series. Wolf is irrelevant and incapable compared to Joseph, while Victoria is portrayed as a thieving opportunist. Their presence merely serves as a smokescreen, akin to the “having a black friend” trope.

In addition to racism, the manga/anime is also overtly sexist and offensive in its portrayal of Chinese characters, often depicting them as unscrupulous schemers. Despite these troubling elements, Terra Formars can be strangely funny in its offensiveness. It’s an abomination that can be laughed at with friends, similar to a B-movie. Nonetheless, the series’ immense success in Japan is a bit unsettling, emphasizing the resonance of Joseph Gustav Newton’s character there.
