To Not Die Manhwa: An Epic Conclusion to Yoko Taro’s Masterpiece

to not die manhwa


Today marks the end of an era as Yoko Taro’s longest-running manga, “Thou Shalt Not Die” (君死ニタマフ事ナカレ), written by mangaka Moriyama Daisuke, concludes with an epic 59 chapters. While the decision to end the series on an odd number seems unconventional, it only adds to the intrigue and excitement that has captivated readers throughout the years.

A Quick Synopsis

The final two chapters take us on a thrilling journey as Kuroi finds himself at Miyata Hospital, where Project White originated. Here, he confronts multiple clones of Yamabuki, who is revealed to be the clone of Mr. Miyata himself. Despite being gravely injured from a previous fight, Kuroi manages to eliminate a significant number of clones, but the relentless pursuit continues. Thankfully, Rokusho and Tokiwa come to his aid, both seeking revenge against Miyata and Project White for their own personal tragedies.

As the story progresses, Kuroi obtains a card key that grants access to a lab four levels below. Rokusho and Tokiwa stay behind to combat the Yamabuki clones, but are met with a new wave of drug-enhanced enemies. Tokiwa sacrifices himself by using a drug that grants him temporary superhuman strength before it ultimately takes its toll on him.

Meanwhile, four levels below, Kuroi is faced with a shocking revelation. He discovers a group of Yamabuki clones, but they are children. Overwhelmed with emotion, Kuroi hesitates to harm them, ultimately displaying a newfound humanity. He escapes from the hospital, collapsing on the beach, leaving his fate unclear. To everyone’s surprise, Mashiro appears, bringing an air of mystery to the ending.

Mashiro and Kuroi

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a cognizant Mashiro, and her presence raises questions about her true nature. However, the expression on her face suggests that she still possesses a fragment of her humanity. In a poignant scene reminiscent of 2B and 9S from “NieR: Automata,” Mashiro cradles Kuroi in her arms, dancing beneath the full moon.

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In The End

While the conclusion may not be entirely satisfying, it is precisely this anti-climactic nature that adds to the depth and allure of the series. Yoko Taro, as he often does, leaves many unanswered questions, allowing readers to speculate and form their own connections within the larger Yokoverse. Each character’s storyline finds closure, but the overarching mysteries that bind the series together remain tantalizingly unresolved.

Despite the ambiguity, numerous characters survive until the end, including Mizukaki, Botan, the twins Momoka and Akane, Seiji, Rosavi, and Rosavi’s “special” son. Personally, I am ecstatic that Mizukaki and Botan make it through the series unscathed. Mizukaki, in particular, has been a favorite character of mine, and I credit the TSND Zero stage play in 2016 for truly bringing his character to life. Kurofuji Yuki’s impeccable performance perfectly embodied the essence of Mizukaki.

Mizukaki and Botan

It is bittersweet that the series concludes without shedding light on my six-year speculation regarding its connection to the wider Yokoverse. Yoko Taro’s storytelling style is such that he weaves standalone narratives, occasionally hinting at connections that may only reveal themselves upon closer examination. While answers elude us for now, the importance lies in the fans’ relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Personally, I believe that Yoko Taro’s choices are never arbitrary. The ending shot of Mashiro cradling Kuroi evokes memories of 2B and 9S. Although Yoko may never explicitly confirm or deny these connections, this doesn’t hinder fans from drawing their own conclusions. After all, it is the power of speculation and interpretation that fuels our passion for his work.

As we reach the conclusion, the fate of Kuroi and Mashiro remains uncertain. While Mashiro appears safe, Kuroi’s survival seems unlikely. It would be fitting for his humanity to remain intact as he meets his demise, rather than succumbing to the distorted demon he once was. However, the possibility of Mashiro being pregnant, given their intimate encounter, opens up even more intriguing possibilities. Who could their child be? Could it be the original Nier?

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While the dust settles on this extraordinary series, I may have more to say in the future. But for now, let’s appreciate the journey we’ve taken and the mysteries that continue to haunt our imaginations. Perhaps, one day, “To Not Die” may even grace our screens as an animated series. The idea was discussed back in 2016 during an all-night event, but whether it comes to fruition remains unknown.

Lastly, the final volume of “Thou Shalt Not Die” is set to release on October 24, completing my collection and leaving me with an abundance of extra books and sets to share with fellow fans!

Recent Comments From the Staff

Upon the release of the final chapter in Big GanGan, Yoko Taro, Moriyama Daisuke, and other key figures shared their thoughts on Twitter. Let’s take a moment to commemorate their contributions:

  • Yoko Taro: “Here’s the last chapter of ‘Thou Shalt Not Die,’ the first manga series where I acted as head writer. I am deeply grateful to Moriyama Daisuke, all the editors, and the fans who have supported us until this point. Thank you very much! I will share my thoughts on the project once the final volume is released.”

  • Moriyama Daisuke: “Today, in Big GanGan 2020 Vol.09, we release the 59th chapter of ‘Thou Shalt Not Die,’ a story about a monster boy and a beast girl.”

  • Editor: “Releasing today is the final chapter of ‘Thou Shalt Not Die’! In this chaotic world, boys and girls who desperately cling onto life have finally grasped hope as they set their own lives ablaze. What lies beyond this point where these children scream?”

  • Yoko Taro (again): “And the final 10th Volume of ‘Thou Shalt Not Die’ will be released on October 24!”

  • Assistant: “We have finally reached the end safely. My heartfelt thanks go to Yoko, the illustration staff, and everyone involved in the production. But most of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the readers who have stood by us until the very end.”

  • Assistant (again): “Timelapse. …I didn’t realize I was drawing it upside-down until I finished… Oh, and the final volume is being prepared. I’m gonna go on vacation until it reaches my house!”

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Tweet from Yoko Taro

In a valiant attempt to extract more information from Yoko Taro, I reached out to him on Twitter. I had speculated for years about how “Thou Shalt Not Die” could fit into the larger Yokoverse, particularly in the post-6.12 incident and pre-“NieR” era. I didn’t expect him to respond so quickly, but his enigmatic reply of “It’s a secret” only fueled my curiosity further.

“It’s a secret.” Any avid follower of Yoko Taro’s work knows that this is a trademark Yokoism. While my interpretation may be conjecture, he often uses this phrase to suggest a positive answer without divulging all the details. Yoko understands the joy of fans forming their own conclusions and relishes in the mystery he weaves.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the speculative realm or discussing the intricacies of the Yokoverse, feel free to join our NieR/Yokoverse Discord community. We love exploring the boundless possibilities hidden within Yoko Taro’s narratives.

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