Top Anime Of 2015: Anime That Blew Our Minds

In my humble opinion, it’s always best to let the year sink in a little bit before declaring the top anime of any given year. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the shows that truly stood out. So without further ado, here are my top anime of 2015!

1. Death Parade: A Majestic Exploration of Humanity

Death Parade avoided going for cheap thrills and instead delved into the essential, unavoidable loneliness and lack of understanding that comes with being human. The show portrayed the fragility of human existence and demonstrated that even in the midst of loneliness, genuine and worthwhile connections can be found. With its inhuman doll judge and a human character who lost her memory, Death Parade showcased the process of redemption and the unfairness of a system that demands inhumanity.

2. Akatsuki no Yona: A Mythic Hero’s Journey

Akatsuki no Yona beautifully portrayed the journey of a girl finding herself and her determination to reclaim her kingdom. It delved into the motivations that move people and the way those forces affect us. The series went beyond the story of a girl surviving and explored the myths of society, power, and the mysteries of the world. It was a reflection on destiny and the internal strength required to face one’s fate.

3. Gatchaman Crowds insight: Bold and Insightful

Gatchaman Crowds insight presented a unique perspective on humanity, society, and communication. It showcased the laziness, lack of agency, and boredom that exists in society, but also found hope in our individual capacity to learn and grow. The show encouraged us to seek further insights and understandings to make the world a better place.

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4. Shirobako: Dignity in Hard Work

Shirobako found dignity in even the most unappealing jobs in the anime industry. It celebrated hard work, passion, and the beauty that can be accomplished through perseverance. The show reminded us that even the smallest steps can lead to something meaningful and that looking back on our efforts can bring a sense of fulfillment.

5. Oregairu 2: A Journey of Self-Reflection

Oregairu 2 followed the journey of a loner who realizes that being alone isn’t all that great. It tackled the difficult and frightening parts of the human experience with courage and honesty. The show explored the lies we tell ourselves and the painfulness of truth. It also highlighted the importance of friendships and the vulnerability that comes with genuine connections.

6. Danmachi: More Than Just Picking Up Girls

Danmachi, despite its title, delivered a heartwarming story about family, love, and acceptance. It showcased the power of trust and affection in relationships and the strength that such connections can bring. The show focused on the bond between Bell and Hestia and their growing family, presenting a comforting and cozy narrative.

7. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: A Sweet and Ideal Romance

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime offered a gentle and sweet romance that acknowledged the challenges and difficulties of relationships. It explored themes of social classes, friendship, dreams, and agency, complementing the central love story. The series depicted the slow, gradual growth of two good people in love and their desire for the best for each other.

8. Owarimonogatari: The Return of an Old Friend

Owarimonogatari marked the return of the Monogatari franchise with its steady seasonal material. It continued to provide insightful reflection on humanity and the lies we tell ourselves. The show maintained its signature style and delivered a real and genuine portrayal of human experiences.

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9. Blood Blockade Battlefront: Stylish and Fun

Blood Blockade Battlefront took viewers on a stormy romp through an alternate universe’s New York City. It was a stylish, humorous, and ultimately poignant exploration of a young man’s personal growth. The show portrayed the evolution of a shy junior journalist into a confident and brave friend. It stood out with its distinctive visual style and compelling soundtrack.

10. Concrete Revolutio: Ambitious and Bold

Concrete Revolutio was the best anime of 2015 hands down. It was sprawling, ambitious, and managed to be both intellectually stimulating and deeply personal. The show delved into the complexities of understanding the world and the struggle to do the right thing. It left a lasting impact with its thought-provoking themes and exceptional storytelling.

There you have it, the top anime of 2015 that captivated our hearts and minds. Whether it was the exploration of humanity, the celebration of hard work, or the poignant romances, these shows left a lasting impression. Let’s celebrate their brilliance and eagerly anticipate the anime wonders that await us in the future!
