Violet Evergarden Special: An Emotional Journey Like No Other

violet evergarden special

“Love is always like looking through clear water, go to accept it and it leaves, just like you. Love is always in a sunshine-filled place, even if I can’t see you, can’t touch you, it’s like you’re by my side.” These heartfelt lyrics from the end song of the Violet Evergarden Special perfectly encapsulate the emotional journey this anime takes its viewers on.

As an avid anime fan who has watched nearly 200 series, movies, and OVAs, it has become increasingly difficult for me to find shows that truly move me. However, Violet Evergarden reignited my love for anime after 20 years of watching. The special episode released on Netflix, though officially considered a standalone, seamlessly fits into the overarching narrative of the series. Emotionally impactful and spiritually enlightening, it left a lasting impression on me.

A Love Letter to Remember

Writing a love letter is no easy task. Finding the right words, striking a balance between genuine and poetic, can be challenging for even the most seasoned writers. In the special episode, Violet is tasked with writing a love letter for her client, Irma. However, Irma expresses her dissatisfaction with Violet’s work, claiming it lacks the necessary emotion and understanding. The letter is meant to be performed as a song in a play, dedicated to Ardu’s son, Fugo, who is presumed to have perished in the war.

Struggling to revise the letter, Violet seeks guidance from Irma herself. It is during this conversation that Irma reveals her true intention behind the letter: it is a heartfelt message to Fugo, her beloved boyfriend who never returned from the war. Both Irma and Ardu have accepted his tragic fate. Moved by Irma’s story, but still unable to find her own voice, Violet stumbles upon an old war post office filled with unsent letters. These letters, brimming with unexpressed love, unlock a newfound understanding of the emotions she initially missed in her writing.

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Inspired and filled with newfound clarity, Violet rewrites the love letter, now accurately capturing the profound love between Irma and Fugo. The letter is performed in the play, and the audience responds with a tearful standing ovation.

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A Personal Connection

Watching Irma’s heartfelt performance struck a chord deep within me. It reminded me of loved ones who have departed from this world, evoking a sense of loss and longing. However, instead of dwelling on these melancholic thoughts, I found myself turning to God’s promises and His presence in my life.

The final lines of Irma’s song, “Even if I can’t see you, can’t touch you, it’s like you’re by my side,” resonated with me on a spiritual level. Just as life can often feel mundane and repetitive, God’s constant presence gives me hope and reassurance. I strive to keep my focus on Heaven because, in doing so, I am reminded of God’s significance in my life, surpassing any trials or tribulations I may face.

Meditating on God and His word has become a cherished practice for me. Taking moments of solitude, whether in the bathroom, during a peaceful walk, or even in the shower, allows me to reflect on His goodness and the countless blessings He has bestowed upon me. It is not a burdensome chore but a delightful exercise that deepens my connection with Him.

I felt God’s presence in the closing moments of the special episode. It served as a poignant reminder of His proximity to us, even during times when He may seem distant. Just as the pain of not being able to reach a loved one during their travels can be excruciating, the loss of someone we know will never return is devastating. However, through it all, Christ remains by our side, offering comfort and solace.

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Finding Comfort in God’s Presence

Irma’s story serves as an embodiment of God’s comforting presence in times of tragedy and loss. Although we may feel like we have lost a part of ourselves, we can take solace in knowing that God never leaves our side. The reality of our circumstances may not change, but God’s compassion embraces us throughout our journey.

The apostle Paul beautifully encapsulates this truth in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Watch Irma’s Heartfelt Song

To truly understand the emotional depth of the Violet Evergarden Special, I invite you to watch Irma’s poignant song below. Prepare yourself with tissues, as this heartfelt performance encapsulates the power of love, loss, and the comfort found in God’s presence.
