Weathering With You Ending

weathering with you ending

As I dive into explaining the ending of Weathering With You (天気の子, Tenki no ko) – the 2019 anime directed by Makoto Shinkai – be prepared for SPOILERS EVERYWHERE.

Weathering With You is a beautiful romantic fantasy film that revolves around Hodaka, a runaway teenage boy, who meets Hina, a girl with the power to control the weather. Hina is destined to sacrifice herself to save Tokyo from incessant rainfall and restore balance to the world. However, after she disappears, Hodaka defies fate and brings her back, causing Tokyo to be submerged under the sea with no end in sight.

Some reviewers criticized the characters’ choices as selfish and immoral, but I beg to differ. In my opinion, Weathering With You explores the theme of choice, highlighting how our decisions shape our lives and the world around us.

How does the Weather Maiden magic work in Weathering With You?

Weathering With You: The Sky Realm

The movie employs a soft-magic system, where the rules are not clearly defined. Hina’s sunshine-making abilities remain shrouded in mystery, but it becomes evident that higher powers are at play. Let’s refer to these powers as the “External Forces.”

Several clues shed light on the nature of the magic system in Weathering With You, such as:

  1. Weather maidens can change the weather within a limited area for a short period, usually through prayer.
  2. Weather maidens appear when there is an extreme weather imbalance, with the purpose of restoring balance through self-sacrifice. These interventions are rare and governed by vague legends.
  3. Weather maidens obtain their powers by visiting a realm known as the Sky Realm. They enter this realm through a red torii gate on the rooftop shrine of an abandoned building, requiring faith and determination.
  4. It remains unclear whether weather maidens are gifted their abilities or possess innate powers that are activated.
  5. The External Forces can manipulate the actions of individuals. Hina is seemingly drawn to the rooftop shrine as a ray of sunlight illuminates it, even leaving her dying mother’s bedside to follow the light.
  6. The External Forces possess limited control over the weather, exemplified by the ray of sunlight remaining in place until Hina reaches the shrine.
  7. Although the External Forces can influence the weather, they cannot rectify extreme imbalances without the presence of a weather maiden.
  8. Weather maidens possess the ability to control weather phenomena other than sunshine, suggesting that the distinction between “sunshine girls” and “rain girls” might be inaccurate.
  9. Weather maidens’ sacrifice is not akin to appeasing the gods through bloodshed. Instead, their sacrifice serves as a transformative act that magically restores balance.
  10. As weather maidens use their powers, their bodies gradually become translucent. The self-sacrifice must be intentional and done with the understanding of its consequences.
  11. Weather maidens possess an instinctual understanding of their fate, reinforced by direct confirmation from Suga’s niece, Natsumi.
  12. The disappearance of weather maidens into the Sky Realm is often witnessed by many people in their dreams—a way of acknowledging their sacrifice.
  13. There is only one weather maiden at a time, as demonstrated by the absence of any new “Sunshine Girls” during the three-year period of non-stop rain in Tokyo.
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When did Hina get her powers?

Interestingly, Hina received her powers or had them activated a year before the pervasive non-stop rain began. News broadcasts during the anime mention the exceptionally rainy weather of the summer Hodaka and Hina first met, but fail to note abnormal rainfall during the previous year when Hina gained her abilities. This suggests that the External Forces anticipated the need for a weather maiden and prepared accordingly.

Destiny vs. free will

The role of a weather maiden involves both destiny and free will. They are chosen to be sacrificed willingly, accepting their role in maintaining balance.

What is causing the extreme weather?

Weathering With You: Rain

The cause of the extreme weather is never explicitly stated. Occasional supernatural elements manifest as rain appears suspended in the air before abruptly crashing down. While global warming and climate change are referenced, they alone do not account for the abnormal weather.

It is hypothesized that Hodaka, known as a “Rain Boy,” might be responsible for the extreme weather. However, this theory is challenged by the fact that when he returns to his hometown during the three years of non-stop rain in Tokyo, his hometown does not experience the same rainfall intensity. Hence, the connection remains speculative.

Tokyo’s severe weather occurs during Hodaka and Hina’s most distressing moments. This suggests that the emotions of the natural world mirror the emotions of the protagonists. Another possibility is that the External Forces heighten the weather severity to push Hina towards her sacrifice.

Hodaka’s Choices

Weathering With You: Hodaka

Hodaka, a troubled runaway, often struggles with decision-making. He is indecisive about trivial matters, seeking advice from others. Conversely, he impulsively makes life-altering decisions without considering the consequences.

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When he wakes up after Hina’s disappearance and realizes the gravity of the situation, he chooses to save her without fully comprehending the ramifications. His determination and bravery allow him to bring Hina back to Earth. However, Tokyo remains submerged, and the damage caused by the non-stop rain is significant.

Critics argue that Hodaka’s decision was selfish, endangering millions and disregarding Hina’s sacrifice. However, if he had allowed Hina to sacrifice herself, he would have condemned himself to a life full of guilt and regret.

In the end, Hodaka’s choice to save Hina reflects his true desires. Despite the severe consequences, it aligns with his wish for the three of them—himself, Hina, and her brother Nagi—to keep what they have, nothing more and nothing less.

Suga’s Choices

Weathering With You: Suga

Suga, a troubled man yearning to regain custody of his daughter, initially abandons Hodaka when the police suspect him of kidnapping. This decision is born out of self-preservation and the desperation to protect his chances of reuniting with his child.

However, after realizing the gravity of the situation and witnessing Hodaka’s determination, Suga has a change of heart. He sacrifices his own chances of custody by aiding Hodaka, ultimately helping the ones he cares about.

It took time for Suga to make the right choice—one that allowed him to live with himself and create a better life.

Hina’s Choices

Weathering With You: Hina

Hina, burdened with the responsibility of taking care of her younger brother, chooses to accept her role as a weather maiden. Even as her body deteriorates, she continues her work as a “Sunshine Girl” to bring happiness to others. She conceals her deteriorating condition from Hodaka and Nagi, wanting to spare them from worry and interference.

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Despite her willingness to sacrifice herself, it is evident that Hina finds solace in her own desires—to live her life and take care of her brother. Her initial choice to sacrifice herself was fueled by manipulation rather than her true desires. Her decision to return reflects her own will, and Hodaka’s help enables her rediscovery.

In the end, Hina’s choice allows her to fulfill her goals and care for her loved ones, demonstrating the importance of living according to one’s conscience.

Coincidence or Intervention?

It is unclear whether the characters’ choices were solely coincidental or influenced by the External Forces manipulating events. The numerous coincidences, such as Hodaka’s encounters and Hina’s transformation, suggest a larger scheme at play. It is possible that External Forces guided Hina towards her self-sacrifice, encouraging her to believe it was the only way to help others.

While the movie leaves room for interpretation, it is essential to consider the possibility of manipulation by higher powers.

The Main Theme

Weathering With You: Hina and Hodaka

Weathering With You ultimately emphasizes the significance of individual choices. The characters act to help those around them, making decisions they can live with in good conscience and pursuing their true objectives.

The main theme of the film can be summarized as follows:

“If we care about the people around us and act according to our conscience, the world will gradually become a better place. We may not be able to fix everything, but little by little, positive change is possible.”

Your Thoughts

What are your thoughts on the decisions made by the characters in Weathering With You? Share your opinions and impressions of the film in the comments below.