Who Does Chihaya End Up With?

who does chihaya end up with

Hey y’all, let’s dive deep into the juicy love triangle in Chihayafuru! As an avid manga reader and literature enthusiast, I’ve got some hot tea to spill about who Chihaya will ultimately end up with. So grab your favorite snack and get ready for the tea!

The Clues in the Title

Let’s start by analyzing the title of the series, Chihayafuru. Titles can reveal a lot about the story’s theme and what it’s trying to convey. Each main character, Chihaya, Arata, and Taichi, sees the title in a different light.

Chihaya – The Connotative Meaning

For Chihaya, the title represents her love and passion for karuta. It symbolizes her journey in competitive karuta and her growth as a person. Chihayafuru is the card that she took from Arata, the only red card among many. It’s inseparable from her, and it represents her perseverance and dedication. Chihaya teaches us that passion requires hard work, and it brings fulfillment.

Arata – The Denotative Meaning

Arata sees the denotative meaning of Chihayafuru. It signifies a special card that he and Chihaya both treasure, representing their deep friendship. To Chihaya, it becomes the ultimate card of love and passion that never fades. From Arata, we learn the literal meaning behind Chihayafuru and the unending love and passion it symbolizes.

Taichi – The Love in Chihayafuru

Now, where does Taichi fit into this love triangle? Taichi embodies both meanings of Chihayafuru. He displays perseverance, dedication, and unfading love. Taichi’s love for Chihaya is unrequited, but it is real and pure. His love sees Chihaya’s flaws and still embraces her wholeheartedly. Taichi’s journey is like aiming for the Chihayafuru card, requiring perseverance, dedication, and passion.

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Taichi’s Strength and Growth

Taichi’s character development throughout the series makes it clear why he and Chihaya make a more plausible match. Taichi’s love for Chihaya is not just about infatuation; it’s genuine and deep. He accepts Chihaya with all her eccentricities and supports her in pursuing her dreams. Taichi’s unwavering love for Chihaya is a testament to true love, where flaws are acknowledged and embraced.


The Story’s Consistency and Theme

Story-wise, it would make more sense for Chihaya to end up with Taichi. Their relationship has undergone significant growth and testing, aligning with the title’s implied meaning. Taichi represents the most relatable and human character in the story. We feel his burdens and pain just as strongly as our own. Chihaya’s eventual realization of Taichi’s love will bring their relationship to a new level.


A Highly Improbable Ending

In contrast, a Chihaya x Arata ending seems highly unlikely. Arata’s confession of love doesn’t change the course of the story significantly. A common interest in karuta isn’t a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. So, if the writer chooses this path, it would either be a cruel twist or a misinterpretation of the story’s symbols and themes.


Suetsugu’s Decision

Ultimately, it’s up to the author, Yuki Suetsugu, to decide which pairing aligns with the message of her story. As readers, we can only trust that she will make the right choice that stays consistent with the characters’ growth and the story’s themes. Let’s embrace the journey and eagerly await the resolution.

If you’re as invested in this love triangle as I am, head over to Fecomic to catch up on the latest Chihayafuru updates. Remember, love is a wild ride, and we’re in it together!

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P.S. I totally ship Taichi and Chihaya because it just makes sense for both the story and the characters. Don’t @ me!