Why Did Eren Yeager Betray Humanity?

Despite years of searching for truth in his world and putting his life on the line, Eren Yeager decides to betray humanity and commit global genocide by using The Rumbling. But what led to this decision? Let’s explore the reasons behind Eren’s betrayal.

Why Did Eren Leave the Scouts?

Eren decided to leave the scouts after realizing that they would never take action against the forces threatening Eldians on Paradis Island. Despite receiving numerous briefings of the Global Allied Forces mounting an attack on their tiny island, Commander Hange refused to act. Eren felt betrayed by the scouts’ inaction and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Why Did the Survey Corps Lose Trust in Eren?

The Survey Corps lost trust in Eren because he set up the Raid on Liberio without their knowledge, manipulating their support for his act of war. Eren planned the raid to coincide with Willy Tybur’s speech, where he would declare a global war on Paradis Island. This betrayal strained the relationship between Eren and the Survey Corps.

Paradis Island After the Uprising Arc

The Uprising Arc in Attack on Titan revealed the mistrust of the government and tyranny of the Military Police on Paradis Island. Although things improved when Historia became queen and initiated reforms, the Survey Corps failed to maintain the goodwill built during the coup against the previous regime. This led to a decline in public support and allowed the Yeagerists faction to gain control.

The Need for a Uniting Enemy in Wartime

Paradis Island needed a common enemy to unite against, and when none emerged, the Survey Corps betrayed their own defensive order to side with the rest of the world. This decision ultimately led to Eren’s belief that the hatred for Eldians on Paradis would never end, and the world would always see them as the enemy.

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Why would the Survey Corps Actively Save so Many Lives Just to Condemn them All to Death Years Later?

Despite saving innocent lives and defending their comrades on Paradis Island, the Survey Corps failed to advocate for their safety when it mattered most. This betrayal added to Eren’s disillusionment and fueled his desire to destroy the world.

Hate From the Outside

Eldians worldwide harbor deep-rooted hatred towards the Eldians on Paradis Island due to jealousy and resentment. They feel “left behind” when the 145th Fritz King retreated to build his “paradise” on the island. This external hate further fueled Eren’s conviction to protect the Eldians on Paradis at any cost.

Why Did Eren Decide to Destroy the World?

Eren’s decision to destroy the world stemmed from a meeting between Eldians and their advocates during the Survey Corps trip to Marley. When discussions of protecting Eldians in Liberio arose, Eren realized that the hatred for Eldians, especially those on Paradis, would never end. In his eyes, destroying the world was the only way to ensure the survival of the Eldians who raised him.

In conclusion, Eren’s betrayal of humanity stemmed from years of disillusionment, broken trust, and a deep desire to protect the Eldians on Paradis Island. While his actions may seem extreme, they reflect his determination to save the only place he considers home.
