Why Is Manga So Expensive?

why is manga so expensive

Recently, I stumbled upon a fascinating fact on my Twitter feed that captured my attention: Berserk had become Dark Horse’s top-selling title of all time, surpassing not only other manga but every other title in their catalog. This achievement is truly remarkable, especially considering the ongoing anime adaptation that has attracted even more fans seeking the “authentic” experience over the CGI version. However, this accomplishment raised a question that has plagued me for quite some time—why is the price of manga so high?

In this day and age, where we are fortunate enough to have an ever-increasing number of manga officially translated into English, Dark Horse’s approach to Berserk appears outdated. A quick look on Amazon reveals that the first volume of Berserk is priced at £10.99, and even second-hand copies start at a minimum of £5.99. For a manga of such popularity, the scarcity of second-hand copies suggests a limited supply. In contrast, most other manga series from the same era would be available for as little as £0.01 per volume second-hand.

There seems to be an artificial scarcity surrounding Berserk, evident in its limited availability in physical stores. If you walk into Forbidden Planet, a renowned store for manga enthusiasts, you’ll find shelves upon shelves of almost every manga series imaginable, including complete runs of all the major Shonen titles. However, when it comes to Berserk, you might only stumble upon a few volumes, if you’re lucky—perhaps the first few and the most recent releases. The series seems to be deliberately kept in short supply, as I experienced firsthand at a recent MCM Comic Con where only one stall sold Berserk manga at an astonishing £13 per volume!

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Something is undeniably driving up the price of Berserk volumes artificially, akin to Disney’s strategy of maintaining the value of their classic movies. While Berserk continues to sell like hotcakes, one can only imagine how many more copies it could sell if it were more affordably priced.

This issue is particularly concerning for long-running series like Berserk, where purchasing 30+ volumes would not only cost a significant amount but also require considerable shelf space. This brings us to the second point.

The lack of digital availability is a major drawback. In an era where even publishers like Yen Press and Seven Seas are embracing digital releases, Dark Horse’s refusal to offer Berserk digitally is frustrating. It is no coincidence that Berserk is one of the most commonly pirated series, with fans resorting to sharing fan-translated screenshots on Twitter. The fact that Berserk is ranked as the highest-rated manga ever on MAL further emphasizes the need for change. It is high time that legal digital purchasing options become available for Berserk, aligning with the way people want to consume manga in 2017.

I can confidently say that if Berserk were available digitally, and at a price comparable to other publishers like Viz, I would have started reading it a long time ago. However, as things stand, it remains perpetually on my to-read list. In a previous post, I addressed my unease with the gradual shift towards a “graphic novel”-style system in the English-language manga market, where volumes become increasingly expensive compared to their Japanese counterparts. The pricing strategy surrounding Berserk lies at the heart of this issue.

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In conclusion, the exorbitant price and limited availability of Berserk manga raise concerns among fans. The artificial scarcity and absence of digital options hinder accessibility, leaving many potential readers unable or unwilling to indulge in this highly acclaimed series. If publishers like Dark Horse were to reconsider their pricing strategy and embrace the digital realm, Berserk could reach even greater heights, captivating a wider audience while ensuring fans can enjoy their favorite series without breaking the bank.

So, join me as we eagerly await a more affordable and accessible Berserk experience. Let’s keep pushing for change in the manga industry. After all, we deserve the best manga experience without emptying our wallets!
