Fecomic’s Ultimate ARC-V Episode Guide: Watch Only the Best!

In order to spare you from all the unnecessary filler episodes, we present to you Fecomic’s Arc V episode guide! Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just looking for the essential episodes, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and have some fun!


Episodes 1-7: These episodes introduce the main characters and the pendulum mechanic. They set the stage for Yuuya’s initial conflict. A must-watch.

Episode 8-9: Mrs. Akaba and the LDS trio appear. Yuuya vs. Hokuto. If you’re a fan of Xyz and/or stars, you might find it enjoyable, otherwise forgettable.

Episode 10: Yuzu vs. Masumi R1. This episode sets the stage for Yuzu’s development. A must-watch.

Episode 11: Gongenzaka vs. Yaiba. Introduces Gongenzaka’s views on action cards. Watch if you enjoy Synchro.

Episodes 12-13: Yuuya vs. Reiji R1. Essential.

Episode 14: Yuuya resolves his conflict with a duel between Shuuzou and Yuuya. The first half is plot and the second half is resolution.

Episode 15: Plot!

Episode 16-17: Michio vs. Yuuya. Watch if you want to care about him later.

Episode 18: Plot!

Episode 19-20: Skip these two episodes, they are not essential.

Episode 21: Plot!

Episodes 22-23: Yuuya vs. Mieru. Yuuya learns how to fusion summon. Watch if you’re interested in fusion summoning.

Episode 24: Plot!

Episodes 25-26: First part of episode 25 is plot. Then it’s Yuuya vs. Gongenzaka, which you can watch if you’re interested in their friendship and some more Yuuya conflict.

Episode 27: Opening episode of the Maiami Championship. Features some plot with Reiji and Shun. You can skip it or just skip when Futoshi’s duel starts.

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Episode 28: Kids dueling. You could watch it for Reira, but their story leads nowhere later on.

Episode 29: Yuzu vs. Masumi R2. Definitely watch this one! It’s great and showcases Yuzu’s development.

Episode 30: Gongenzaka vs. Gen. Some backstory for Gongenzaka. Doesn’t come up again though.

Episodes 31-32: Yuuya vs. Sawatari R2. Watch if you like Sawatari and well-written Action Duels. Illustrates Yuuya and Sawatari’s rivalry as Action Duelists.

Episodes 33-37: The plot thickens. Must watch. Contains one of the best duels in the series.

Episode 38: They keep talking about the plot, but not much happens. Can watch.

Episode 39: Plot! Must watch.

Episodes 40-41: Serena’s and Barrett’s introduction episodes. Plot and backstory. Must watch.

Episode 42: Start of the Battle Royale. Watch if you want the context for what’s next.

Episode 43: Watch for Dennis’ introduction.

Episodes 44-51: Plot-related in some way. Just watch it. Lots of stuff happens.

Episodes 52-53: First half of 52 is plot, must watch. After that, there’s Yuuya vs. his mom + Emoji World, which you can watch but don’t have to, followed by more plot in the second half of 53.


Okay, let’s be honest, this arc has little to no lasting effects on what comes after it. But if you’re interested, here’s a short and a longer watchlist:

Short way: Watch episodes 64, 74-75, 76 (flashback episode), 77, 80-83, 86-92, 95-99. Episode 100 recaps what you missed.

Longer way: Watch episodes 54-55, 56-57, 58-59, 60-63, 64-65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74-75, 76 (flashback episode), 77, 78-79, 81-82, 83, 84-85, 86, 87-92, 93-94, 95-98, 99.

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Episode 100: Recap episode. Skip or watch depending on what you’ve already seen. Watch the end for ~Kaito if you’re interested.

Episodes 101-102: Kaito and Xyz exposition.

Episode 103: Xyz backstory! Asuka’s debut! Academia! Must watch.

Episode 104: An old friend talks more than usual… also Edo’s debut. Must watch.

Episode 105: Kaito vs. Shun. Watch since it concludes Shun’s character arc.

Episode 106: Plot followed by Yuuri vs. fodder. Watch Yuuri vs. fodder only if you care about him.

Episodes 107-108: Tyler sisters episodes. Watch if you like supposed evil twins or the Shun/Yuuya tag duel.

Episodes 109-111: Edo’s Arc is resolved. Skip 109 if you don’t care about Shun, Kaito, or Yuuya. Watch the other two.

Episode 112: The Xyz Arc ends, plot talk, Dennis vs. Yuushou.

Episode 113: Skip if you don’t care about Kachidoki or card games on roller skates. Otherwise, watch.

Episode 114: Must watch. Dennis vs. Kaito.

Episode 115: Funny filler, skip near the end if you don’t care for dueling pirates.

Episode 116: Kaito vs. Diana, Yuugo vs. Apollo. Watch for Kaito’s and Yuugo’s dragon epicness.

Episode 117: Rin vs. Yuugo. This turns out to be 100% pointless later, but it’s a good duel and the only time Rin duels.

Episodes 118-120: Character cardings coated in filler. Can watch or read a summary to save time.

Episodes 121-122: BB, Jack, Yuuya’s glasses start to matter. Watch or skip to the end and see how it’s resolved. (Spoiler: Egao)

Episode 123: Yuuri vs. Asuka. Must watch for backstory.

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Episodes 124: Yuuto/Ruri backstory.

Episode 125: Skip unless you like berserk mode.

Episodes 126-127: Plot dump. Watch.

Episodes 128-129: Leo vs. Yuuya and Reiji. Watch for interactions.

Episode 130: Kaito and Edo vs. Yuugo vs. Yuuri. Should watch since it’s part of the whole plot block.

Episodes 131-134: Plot. People die. The usual drill.

Episode 135: The actual plot.

Episodes 136-139: Skip, it’s just a job fest.

Episode 140: Bye Zarc.

Episodes 141-145: Skip the duel bits. Read a summary or leave it out altogether.

Episode 146: Jack vs Yuuya part 3. Watch if you want to see Yuuya using the dragons.

Episode 147: Jack vs Yuuya ends, Yuuya vs Reiji starts. Skip the duel portion if you were expecting interactions.

Episode 148: Skip the duel portion.

Congratulations! You’ve made it through ARC-V! Enjoy the journey and don’t forget to visit Fecomic for more manga and anime goodness.