Zom 100 Manga Review: An Epic Journey in a Zombified World

When it comes to the world of zombies, Akira Tendo from Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead stands out as the ultimate Everyman. In Volume Five of this thrilling manga series, Akira finds himself making a fateful decision that leads to unimaginable consequences.

A Slice of Heaven in the Midst of Hell

In this volume, Akira and his friends, Shizuka, Kenichiro, and Beatrix, experience a moment of respite in the “Hometown of the Dead.” They reunite with Akira’s parents in a small village where life seems idyllic. They work the fields, enjoy the solitude, and find peace amidst the chaos of the zombie world. However, as we all know, peace is fleeting in the middle of Hell.

A Villain’s Plot Unleashed

Enter Kanta Higurashi, a jealous and devious individual who wants to destroy the peaceful village. With a bulldozer and an army of zombies, Kanta aims to spread chaos and panic. In the face of this threat, Akira and his comrades rise to the challenge, determined to save everyone.

Heart-Stopping Action and Moments of Hope

Volume Five of Zom 100 skillfully paces itself for the inevitable clash between good and evil. Before the chaos ensues, we witness heartfelt interactions, such as Akira’s conversation with his father, Shizuka’s emergence as the village doctor, and Kenichiro forming a bond with a child who has lost their parents. Amidst the intensity, there are moments of hope that will warm your heart and leave you rooting for the characters.

Heroes Rise to the Challenge

The means by which the characters fight back may seem somewhat superheroic, but let’s not forget that this is a manga after all! Beatrix brings a sword to a chainsaw fight, and Kenichiro employs a brilliantly unconventional method to defeat one of the villains. The action scenes are adrenaline-pumping and will have you on the edge of your seat, hoping for their triumph.

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Saving the Village and Embracing Life

As the arc concludes in volume six, the characters give it their all to defeat Kanta and his crew. Despite a life-or-death ultimatum, an unexpected twist adds doubt to Kanta’s plan. As the zombies approach, Akira devises a plan reminiscent of the iconic Telltale game version of The Walking Dead. The village’s salvation becomes the main objective, with each citizen showcasing incredible heroic spirit.

Life Goes On in the Midst of Destruction

Rescuing the village leads Akira to embark on a journey to find a vaccine for the zombie illness. But before that, there’s a bucket list to be fulfilled. Akira, Shizuka, Beatrix, Kenichiro, and every villager add their desires to the bucket list. This touching moment emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest, even in a world plagued by chaos.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead demonstrates that as long as there is health and spirit, one should keep marching forward. “Hometown of the Dead” delivers excitement, comedy, and relatable drama, reminding us that what’s most important should always be protected. As Akira and his friends set out on their mission to find a cure for the zombie plague, they continue to discover the resilience of the human spirit. Zom 100 proves that the zombie genre still has plenty of life left in it!
