Saijaku No Bahamut Ep 3

Video saijaku no bahamut ep 3
saijaku no bahamut ep 3
saijaku no bahamut ep 3

Part 1

「──Everyone in Academy, are your preparations finished? You must be tired from the strict training everyday. But──this is our springtime that only comes once in our life. Even military cadets need relaxation, isn’t that right? Then, let’s have great fun and get fired up together with the people of Cross Field today!」

‘WAAAAaAH!’ Loud cheers rose from the students at the same time that Relie’s greeting ended.

Countless stalls and numerous events that were held on set up stages.

Schedules and maps were posted in a big way everywhere.

「The ingredients are more insufficient than planned! Don’t worry about permission or what not, just bring it from the dining hall’s warehouse!」

「Selling back the admission ticket is forbidden! ……Wait, there is forgeries in circulation already you say!?」

「This year there are illegal trespassers coming out from underground you know!? Contact the vigilance committee and the Triad right away!」

Like that, the noble young ladies were running around flurriedly and high pitched voices thundered from everywhere.

Even though there was still one more hour until the public guests came in, a chaotic situation already came into play.

「How should I say it, I heard the rumors but…… this is amazing.」

「I, too, am a first year student so this is the first time I saw it, but── as I thought, the headmaster is strange, isn’t she……」

Lux was smiling wryly while his little sister Airi was also whispering in blank amazement.

The two were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the first Campus Festival they participated in.

Airi was scheduled to work as a librarian at the library, but it seemed that her preparations were finished.

And so, at the very least, for now before the event was started……like that, she was together with Lux, but──

「By the way, what kind of punishment game Nii-san is getting?」

Airi said a cruel thing after seeing her brother’s figure standing beside her.

A white cloth was hanging from Lux’s shoulder, there was the words 『Odd Jobs Specialist, will do anything. ☆1 time 1 ticket☆』 written on it.

「No, I also don’t really get it though……」

The moment he replied like that with a complex expression, his back was hit *pofuh*.

「Morniiing! Lux-chi, are you weeell!? Are you pleased with my plan?」

The one who came while spreading around an innocent smile was one of the Triad who was his classmate, Tillfur.

「Wait, just what’s this!? Even though you were saying that you will choose the event that I’ll participate in for me!?」

Certainly he heard that yesterday, and yet for some reason this morning he was suddenly entrusted with this bizarre plan.

「You don’t like it? Buuut, Lux-chi actually should thank me tearfully for this you know?」

When Lux questioned her about this matter, Tillfur sent him an impish smile.


「Because Lux-chi didn’t choose what event you will participate in at the start, the scramble behind the scenes was absurdly fierce, just so you know. After all, everyone was saying『He will come to our place』and there was no control at all. It’s also fine to decide it by drawing lottery, but everyone else will be dissatisfied using that way.」

「Yes. The situation was also similar among us first years.」

Unnoticed, Noct had also arrived.

The two Triad members were wearing arm bands that were embroidered with the writing 『Campus Festival Vigilance Committee Management』.

It seemed it was a special title for this day.

「Thanks to that everyone in the class later wouldn’t stop demanding Airi to influence her Onii-san to participate in their project.」

「……That’s right. Thanks to that I was tired rejecting all of them. That I wasn’t resented by my classmates after that is surely because of my good conduct everyday.」

Airi also added in with sarcasm for some reason.

At that timing even Sharis arrived and tapped *pon* Lux’s shoulder.

「In addition, Lux-kun is busy recently, that you tend to postpone the individual requests from the students. If you don’t disperse their frustration at times like this in this way, their dissatisfaction will explode and you will get assaulted you know?」


「A, assaulted……?」

「Fufufu. Oho, you don’t notice? ──Something, like this.」

When Lux was looking perplexed, Sharis pulled Lux’s head and sandwiched it under her arm.

The elasticity of the moderately big breasts hit Lux’s face. Lux’s face spontaneously turned red.

「Wha-!? What are you doing Sharis-san!?」

「What, this is just a bit of warning from me as a vigilance committee member. Please be careful during this Campus Festival.」

It seemed that Sharis herself was also embarrassed, she laughed to hide her embarrassment.

The remaining others who were watching that were sending her an exasperated gaze.

「It’s Sharis-san who is assaulting Nii-san though.」

「Yes. This is an unreliable vigilance committee captain.」

Getting retorted by two first year students, Sharis cleared her throat *cough* once.

「Wai-, how long you are going to hold Lux-chi like that!?」

Tillfur tore Lux away from her at that opening and they returned back to the topic.

「Well, so, ‘cause of that Lux-chi, you go around everywhere in the festival okay? If a girl requests you in the middle bringing a ticket, help them out in their stall or event. Ah, but, it will be no good if you stay for too long in one place you know?」

Like that they taught Lux the contents of the work he should do.

In the end it was the usual odd jobs, but it was more that he was for the exclusive use of the students in the Campus Festival.

「Till~! Come over here a bit! There is an incident over thereee!」

While Lux was thinking of that, a female student’s voice came from the direction of the courtyard.

「’Kay, I’m going there nooow. Then Lux-chi, have fun in the festival okay.」

Tillfur who was called concluded the talk like that towards Lux.

「Got it. I’m not really confident but……I’ll try to do my best.」

「Yup. If you are troubled, call out to us. Or rather, we are going to come checking how you are doing occasionally.」

「Yes. The outsider guests will also enter soon, so we too have to get going soon.」

「Right. By the way, Sharis-san’s injury──」

The short dispute with Rosa Granhide that he heard a rumor about.

Lux muttered when he saw the arm that was wrapped in bandage, but Sharis smiled refreshingly.

「Just this much is nothing for me. More importantly, you take care of Celis in that skill demonstration battle.」

「──Yes. Sharis-san too, be careful.」

Lux also responded with a smile and at the end he was left alone with only Airi.

「Then, I’ll also go. It’s unrelated with Nii-san but, my break time will be in the afternoon.」

「Ah, right, I get it, don’t worry.」

Her tone was curt, but for her to expressly tell him like that must have meant『I want you to come』without a doubt.

Lux interpreted the message from his little sister who was like that while deciding that for the time being he would look around at the Campus Festival after this.

「……Also, that’s, I think that Nii-san will be busy but, please, at least have some fun even if just for today.」

Airi averted her face and said that with a small voice. Lux abruptly leaked out a smile at her consideration.

「Thank you. Airi too, do your best.」

Airi left after telling him that. Lux then looked at a map and started walking.

There were a lot of events from the school building until facilities like the practice ground and the like, but he wondered where he should start from.

「As I thought perhaps I should begin from Lisha-sama’s place? I’m also worried about the Drag-Ride──」

「Lux-senpai! Can I ask a request!? Please help at our stall!」

While he was mumbling to himself, five first year girls immediately called out to him from the courtyard.

It seemed that what the Triad told him also wasn’t really an exaggerated story.

It felt like this would become an unexpectedly hard schedule.

「……Err, I won’t be able to stay for long but, if all of you are okay with that then……?」

「Certainly, please!」

The girls nodded at Lux’s reply and they lightly exchanged high fives with each other.

Lux smiled wryly at their high spirits that were really unlike young ladies from noble families and he thought,

(──But, it’s fine if I can make everyone happy I think.)

Recently he often went to foreign countries, so Lux felt happy that he was requested in the Academy.

(Yosh. It has been a long time, I’ll do my best displaying my odd job skills that has been trained in these five years.)

Lux put his spirit into it and followed the guidance of his juniors.

Part 2

It wasn’t like there weren’t any stalls on the open ground of the Academy, but there were a lot more inside the campus building.

From the first floor until the third floor, various decorations were applied to each class. The place was crowded just like a small town.

There was a room that was extravagantly decorated even among all of them.

In that room that had red carpet spread out, smooth gleaming furniture and implements put inside, Lux was immediately helping out with the stall.

「Eerr── many thanks Ojou-sama. Wha, what would be your order?」

「Right. Cookie and black tea, I’ll leave the choice to you. After all, I have a palate that can eat anything.」

The one who was staring at Lux with a gaze that was filled with suggestiveness was Magialca of the Seven Dragon Paladins.

The company president who was wearing a showy red cloak was relaxing on a sofa enjoyably.

In addition, beside her was the big sister of his very close childhood friend, Relie sitting there.

「That appearance looks really good on you Lux-kun. What do you think? When you graduate from Academy, won’t you try to formally work in my place as a secretary?」

「No, that’s a bit……」

「That’s right, Lux-kun will live together with Phi, so it can’t be helped.」

「That’s not it, just what in the world is this refreshment booth!?」

Lux yelled towards the two guests in bewilderment.

The current Lux wasn’t wearing the attire of a waiter, but a butler outfit with black color as the base for some reason.

After he received the request, he was taken by the girls into a café that was named『Butler Mansion』.

Lux heard that it was『work for men』and jumped to a hasty conclusion that it would surely be physical labor, but he never imagined that he himself would be working as café staff.

Magialca and Relie came as his first customers.

「Or rather, dressing as a butler in the academy for girls is──」

Even though it was an exception for Lux who was a male to be enrolled, but to think they would attempt this kind of refreshment booth.

But, Relie jested as though she wasn’t concerned about it at all.

「My. Perhaps it’s hard for a boy like Lux-kun to understand, but it’s exactly because this is a girl academy that this kind of thing is unexpectedly demanded you know? Besides, this time there are also special guests participating.」

At the neighboring space, there were two young men standing disguised in similar butler attire.

The Seven Dragon Paladin of the Vanheim Principality Greifer, and his aide Coral who were staying here during the Campus Festival.

It was shocking that they were helping at this refreshment booth, but unexpectedly the attire suited the two really well.

Greifer gave a bad and rough impression, but that instead became an interesting mismatch, while Coral was the very definition of a cute young man, so it also felt like he would be popular.

「How nice, the three of them are really nicee……if Lux-kun will stay here until the end, we will be able to make a bet of who will be the most popular but──」

「Last year we had Sharis-senpai to dress in a male outfit but, a real boy is also not bad isn’t it……. Or rather, right now it’s heating up the most! Inside me that is!」

At the back of the refreshment booth, the girls who were the organizers were yelling without hiding their exaltation.

「Oi Coral. Why is it me, who came for the summit, have to dress like this yeah?」

The one who was making the most fed-up looking face was Greifer as expected.

He whose personality was originally peevish seemed to be led bit by bit by his aide Coral somehow and got roped into this.

「You are free anyway right? Besides Milmiette-sama also told you to cooperate with the festival, right?」

「Guh, I’m not gonna forget this……」

Greifer who was told off by Coral was serving the customers with an extremely reluctant face.

「Oi you bunches of Ojou-sama, order quickly! Go home right away after you finished eating.」

He was acting unbecomingly as a butler, but unexpectedly it was accepted as interesting.

Lux had noticed it when he went to the Vanheim Principality, but Greifer was actually very good at looking out for other people despite his appearance, so perhaps he was unexpectedly suited for a butler role. He couldn’t say that to the person himself though.

「Rather than that, thanks for your hard work Lux-kun. Sorry that I couldn’t help you at the conference because of my position then.」

While Lux was thinking of such things, Coral who was wearing similar butler attire while doing waiter work called out to him with an apologetic look.

What Coral meant by help at the conference must be referring to the announcement of the skill demonstration battle where the prize would be the rights to investigate the Ruin──Babel in the New Kingdom.

But, the other countries also had their own circumstances. They were staying vigilant against the aims of the Lords and didn’t wish to expose their hand.

As expected, it would be too harsh to expect Coral who was only an aide in the end to speak up at that time.

「No, don’t worry about it. But, is it okay for you two to work here? Coral and Greifer should originally be honored guests though──」


「No. There is no academy festival like this in the Vanheim Principality, so I’m happy to be asked to blend in. ……I can also see Greifer dressed like that.」

Coral chuckled mischievously and gazed at his working comrade.

In contrast Greifer heard that while staring this way with a displeased expression.

「Oi! You guys don’t have idle talk like that! There is a long line until outside waiting!」

It was a refreshment booth where handsome boys dressed as butlers would be serving the young ladies.

It seemed that rumors were spread and before they noticed many guests came rushing.

(It feels like the people in the queue are all this academy’s students though──)

Even though everyone here were basically ladies from good places, from Lux’s view point this was a sight that he couldn’t really understand.

But, it seemed that it was an established practice that this kind of booth was popular.

「Ahaha, we got scolded. Then Lux-kun. Let’s do our best.」

Coral muttered that with a gentle smile and returned to his work in hurry.

There were three seats inside the room── Lux returned to the table he was in charge of.

It seemed that there was also a hidden menu of the butler giving service of feeding the customer cookies from what he was told.

(Really, just what is with this shop……)

While Lux was serving Magialca with bafflement, her eyes suddenly sparkled bewitchingly. She suddenly leaned on the chest of Lux who was sitting on the sofa beside her.

「Hmm. Is alcohol used in this cookie? I’m a bit drunk. Can you nurse me for a bit?」

「Wai-, please don’t suddenly hug like this!? Also please don’t stroke my thigh!」

On the outside she was a petite girl that was about the same as Lisha, but her hand manner and mature gestures gave him the impression of an older woman about the same age as Relie.

Her trained lithe body stuck close on him. She was hugging him while her fingers crawled on his chest.

The organizers of the booth who saw that approached them in panic.

‘Thank god. I’m saved’──Lux thought, but,

「Dear guest. There will be additional charges for the special option of a lap pillow though?」

「Why is the hidden menu that I didn’t know of rapidly increasing-!?」

And then, why was everyone competing to earn money despite being a rich person already he wondered.

The moment Lux yelled reflexively, Headmaster Relie unexpectedly interrupted.

「Sorry Magialca. I got scolded by the public morals committee member who passed through just now. ──I need to stop you here in my position.」

「Public morals committee……member?」

When Lux tilted his head, Relie smiled wryly while looking towards the corridor.

「My bad but, I’m not allowed to talk due to the person’s wish. That girl──she is really awkward.」


Lux was pondering for a while「Who could it be……」hearing Relie’s words that were filled with significance.

But, he was worked to death with work as a waiter and he was unable to reach the answer at that place.

Part 3

The thirty minutes work ended in the blink of an eye and Lux left the refreshment booth.

But right after that he was caught by other girls who were lying in wait, and he was brought to a stage that was built in the courtyard.

He was requested to do the prince role in one of the plays there.

「Wait a second!? That role sounds really important, how can you entrust it to me who only just came!?」

Although Lux objected, 「Then, want to try the princess role?」he yielded against the devilish haggling and acted his role very stiffly.

「Oi Lux! When are you going to come to my place!? Like this I cannot do the performance using the Drag-Ride I created!」

After that, he was called by Lisha who came after being unable to remain patient, and he headed to the Drag-Ride atelier.

Unexpectedly the exhibition room was popular among males, perhaps because it was a rare chance for the people in Cross Field to look at a Drag-Ride from near.

Furthermore after that they headed to an open space in the courtyard and held a performance.

When the Drag-Ride that Lisha created in the past, Armed Wyvern, a Drag-Ride that was moved without anyone wearing the armor was shown, the surroundings was greatly stirred, but,

「Wait a second, I only need to catch this? Even without specially waiting for me this……」

「Wha, what are you saying!? That’s, if you who knows about my accomplishments doesn’t accompany me, I won’t be able to operate it with peace of mind, right……」

The moment they came down from the stage, Lisha entangled her fingers shyly while saying that. That gesture of hers left an impression.

「Then, can I ask Lux-kun to participate over here too?」

Next, Krulcifer who was watching that invited him, and he was led away to the practice ground that was modified into a dance hall.

The surrounding was covered with black curtains, and the place was illuminated by a chandelier. Girls wearing dazzling dresses were dancing there.

Of course, guests who didn’t prepare anything could also join without changing outfits, but it seemed that Krulcifer refused the invitation of men who came as guests and waited for Lux.

「Err Krulcifer-san. Actually, isn’t it better to dance with guests from Cross Field?」

「That might be so. But, it looks like there are also a lot of people who want to dance with Lux-kun, so I thought it would be better if you practice for a little first.」

Lux smiled wryly at Krulcifer’s forceful argument while dancing with her.

It was a dance that was common in the New Kingdom with simple choreography, but Krulcifer was leading him skillfully, so Lux too could do it easily.

And then, the girl who was wearing a pure white dress like a snow flower was as breathtakingly beautiful as always.

「I’ll accompany you next, so take the lead properly okay, Onii-chan.」

Ymir Theocracy’s Seven Dragon Paladin, Mel Gizalut was also there. The girl was also participating in the dance.

It was fun to dance with two beautiful girls alternately, but the jealous gazes from the male guests hurt. He felt just a bit awkward.

「Chih! That damn kid, even though he was already enrolling into Academy everyday alone, showing off like that……. I was rejected by both of them. Even though I also want to dance with a beauty from Ymir hereeee!」

「A guy with a nice face has it good huh. That cursed Lux──」

「You’re right, let’s make him bungle a bit yeah? Don’t worry, it won’t be as far as causing an injury.」

The majority of the outsider guests didn’t pay it any mind, but among them, three men with bad personalities were having such discussion in the shadows.

Perhaps because of his habitual odd jobs, Lux’s evaluation in Cross Field was good, but a man’s jealousy and envy were a different story.

「Yosh, then let’s do it on the stage. We’re gonna ask other suitable students to dance……and then」

「Then, please let me act as your partner.」

There──a tall girl with blonde hair wearing a beautiful dress appeared in front of them.

Her face couldn’t be seen because of a white mask covering the area around her eyes, perhaps because it was a part of the outfit. But seeing her voluptuous breasts and tight waist line, the men gulped audibly.

「Ye, yeah……, ta, take care of us, miss.」

(What’s this──if I can dance with such a good woman, then this isn’t too bad.)

Thinking that, the man’s grudge towards Lux decreased slightly, but his two comrades glared at him, so as expected he would still continue with the plan.

The strategy was to get on the same stage, then when Lux was dancing right beside him, he would step on his foot and make him stumble a bit──

The moment he was going to execute it with an unnatural step, the hand in white glove that he was holding moved suddenly.

「Obstruction is not permitted.」

「……Wha-!? Ouch ouch ouch-!」

That moment when his foot moved to reach towards Lux, his hand was twisted in a jerk.

The man jumped high from the pain and fainted in agony.

The surroundings saw it as the man mistaking his dance and got his arm twisted.

「Fuu…… that was dangerous.」

The masked girl who finished the dance sighed in relieve and got down from the stage.

Lux too safely finished his dance with Mel even while getting bothered by what happened at the side.

「Onii-chan is more skilled than I thought just now. Next time you come to the Ymir Theocracy, I won’t mind to be your partner again you know?」

As always, she appeared mature for her age even though this girl was four years younger than him, but oddly she looked cute even with that. That must be her charm.

「Ahaha, take care of me at that time. But, the voice just now──?」

「Yes, I also heard something familiar.」

Krulcifer also agreed with Lux’s mutter and she turned her face.

The masked girl who was dancing nearby just now jumped in surprise when the talk was suddenly directed at her.

「……N, no-!? I, I’m not anyone suspicious or anything!」

「No one is saying anything like that though……」

The retort that Mel spoke with a serious face caused the masked girl to be even more panicked.

「I, I have urgent business so excuse me!」

She somehow said only that and left swiftly.

「What was, just now……?」

Mel’s expression was slightly baffled. Lux also agreed with an awkward look.

「Could it be? Krulcifer-san.」

「……Yes, I think so. I don’t know what she is thinking but──she is formidable.」


Lux tilted his head in puzzlement hearing Krulcifer’s mutter that was filled with significance.

「It’s fine if you don’t think on it too deeply Lux-kun. Then, how about now we look around at the next event with just the two of us?」

Krulcifer sweetly whispered into Lux’s ear. His heart spontaneously skipped a beat.

The moment he was lost whether to accept her invitation or not, a loud voice came from behind.

「Krulcifer-san! It’s your turn next to be receptionist for the dance hall!」

The one who bellowed angrily was a third year girl who was also a member of Syvalles.

If Krulcifer monopolized Lux, jealousy would also come from the female camp, something like that.

「Haa……it’s unfortunate. Then, let’s meet again later.」

「Ah, ri, right. Krulcifer-san and Mel too, do your best.」

Lux was relieved inside his heart while waving his hand and parting from the girls.

After that, he went around the Academy grounds for a while by himself.

He helped with magic trick performances, then he nursed and guided a guest who got anemia, and so on. He performed several requests that came from both the students and the citizens.

At first he was worried what would happen, but perhaps thanks to him having the understanding of the geography and environment of the wide Academy grounds from his daily odd jobs, he was unexpectedly able to carry out his『odd job specialist』role nicely.

──And then, one hour later.

「Fuu, that took a lot of time……」

After receiving a sandwich and skewered meat from students who were doing food stands and had lunch, Lux headed to the library to check on Airi.

He found the figure of his little sister working as a librarian at the library──the History Exhibition program.

「Yes. The material over here is something from the era of the Old Empire. The Drag-Ride was first excavated in the Ruin……」

And so on, she was answering the question from visitors smoothly.

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Airi herself was a royalty of the Old Empire, and she still also had the collar of criminal on her neck, and yet her dignified behavior was just as expected from her.

「Airi-chan. Where is the material for ancient writing again? A guest who also wants to look at them is──」

「Yes. Enter straight and look at the right bookshelf at the end. Please be careful of where you step. Ah, please don’t bring that candle inside. No fire is permitted inside after all.」

She was a first year and this was her first campus festival and her first time looking after visitors. In spite of that it seemed that the other students were also relying on her.

Her social disposition and her ability to navigate society were skilled, added with her ability to decipher ancient documents too, she possessed extremely excellent skills as a civil official.

(Airi too has become splendid huh……)

When Lux was watching that from afar, Airi suddenly looked his way and she immediately approached him.

「Nii-san, why asre you looking at me with that stupid grin since just now? Speaking clearly, you look disgusting.」

「That’s cruel-……!?」

Even though he was coming here to check on her situation wondering if she was troubled by something.

Also, even though he was only being happy at his little sister’s growth.

「Nii-san is standing out no matter where you are, so if you have business please talk to me. I’ll be teased by everyone later if you are like this.」

While he was thinking like that, Airi’s cheeks puffed up a bit and she muttered with a reproachful gaze.

It seemed she was embarrassed that the other students noticed Lux was watching over her like a parent.

「I, It’s not like I was acting sneaky, I didn’t want to become a bother for Airi.」

「Even though you are just Nii-san, please don’t fuss at me strangely like that. After all, I absolutely won’t think of Nii-san as a nuisance……」

Airi muttered the latter half of her sentence with a small voice that Lux couldn’t catch.

At that time when Lux was worried of Airi’s state, a presence moved from the corridor deeper inside.


A small child was running and fell before bumping onto bookshelves.

「……Watch out-!?」

When the bookshelves almost fell from the backlash, Lux pushed away the kid with paper-thin difference.

There, the instant the bookshelves were going to fall── Lux’s body floated gently within someone’s arms.


Right after he blinked in surprise, the old bookshelves fell noisily behind him.

「It’s fine and all to be energetic, but it’s no good if you aren’t careful you know?」

「I, I’m sorry. Onee-chan.」

Such voice could be heard suddenly, then right after that,

「──Then, it looks like Lux is also save, I’ll take my leave.」

The girl’s voice only left those words before the voice was getting distant.

「Just now, could it be──?」

「It was dark so I couldn’t see well but, most likely……」

The instantaneous force and leg strength that instantly closed the distance from afar.

Furthermore the arm strength that could easily lift up Lux’s body was something characteristic of that girl.

And then, that voice he heard for a moment when she left, he thought that it was Celis’s voice but──

「But if that’s the case, why did she leave right away?」

Lux tilted his head in puzzlement, but he didn’t know the answer.

「Did you do something, Nii-san?」

「No, I don’t have any recollection of doing something strange to her though……」

Of course, the possibility that he made her angry without realizing it wasn’t zero.

But, it would be unnatural if that were the case, because she had saved him just now.

「Let’s ask her about it later. More importantly, right now I have a request for Nii-san to receive.」

Airi sighed lightly, then she smiled at Lux.

「Err, don’t tell me……」

「Yes. Please tidy this up.」

「I knew it……」

The child was saved from the falling bookshelves, but the spilled books were piling up like a mountain.

But, Airi and the other girls had thed job to guide the visitors, so in the end Lux was suitable to do it.

「Now then──. ……Eh?」

At that time he was going to start the chore, when he abruptly looked around, blonde hair was peeking out from behind a bookshelf.

The body that was wrapped in uniform was fidgeting fretfully, and something was whispered with a small voice.

「Should I help Lux out……? But, if I face him right from the front, the me right now will become strange again. As expected, in this situation it will be difficult to help Lux even when there is an opportunity──」


As he thought, it was undoubtedly Celis.

(Or rather, she must be meaning to hide but, the bookshelf is small so she is exposed!)

Celis herself was slender, even so her body figure was nice even among the girl students.

Because of her beautiful honey colored long hair and her large breasts that proclaimed her womanliness, Lux could catch glimpses of her figure.

(……What should I do, with this?)

It was a situation where it was also hard for Lux to purposefully call out to her.

But, honestly speaking he was bothered.

Why was Celis avoiding him?

And then──why was she helping him despite avoiding him?

(At that conference, I spoke out to give help, perhaps I shouldn’t have done that……?)

Lux was thinking of such things while his hands that were tidying up the books stopped. He then looked slightly to the side.

As though he was going to go away from the bookshelves he was working on.

「Fuu, let’s take a bit of rest.」

After making faked muttering like that, the air behind him suddenly shook.

Lux used a hand mirror and secretly peeked at his back. There he saw Celis paying attention at Lux’s state while diligently returning the books into the bookshelves.

「Err……, what are you doing, Celis-senpai?」


The moment Lux secretly murmured, Celis jumped to the back.

Her back hit the bookshelves from too much force and several books spilled out.

「I, it’s nothing! I’m just passing by! Prying is not permitted!」

「Wai-, please wait a second!? Celis-senpa──」

As expected her escape speed was fast with how trained she was.

Lux’s voice ended up in vain, her figure vanished from the library in the blink of an eye.

「I’m avoided just as I thought? But──」

He also didn’t know whether he wasn’t hated or not.

But there was also the matter of the skill demonstration battle tomorrow, he thought that it couldn’t stay like this.

The way to somehow talk to Celis once──

「Ah, rather than that, the time. If I don’t go around to the next place……」

When he opened the lid of his pocket watch and confirmed the time, Lux increased his pace and finished tidying up the bookshelves.

He waved his hand to Airi and told her to do her best before leaving to the next place.

Part 4


After finishing several more requests like helping with cooking, sorting the queue of a refreshment booth, and so on, Lux sat down on a curb at the courtyard.

It was finally three o’clock in the afternoon, the first day of the Campus Festival too was approaching its climax at last.

After that he was able to pass the time without any trouble although it was busy, but in the end he was unable to meet Celis.

But, in exchange he felt a gaze on him.

It was also a cause that heightened Lux’s uneasiness.

「Lux-kun, please come to our place next!」

As he sat down to rest for a bit, a few girls who happened to catch sight of Lux by chance felt that they were lucky and called out to him.

「Ah, then」

He was a bit tired, but surely it wouldn’t be a problem to work a bit more.

The moment Lux was going to accept their request, a girl calmly cut between them smoothly.

「Ah, you are──」


The serious faced girl unhesitatingly wedged herself between Lux and the female students.

She was the childhood friend of Lux with the traits of light cherry blossom colored hair that looked soft, and an expressionless face that looked absentminded──Philuffy Aingram.

She was wearing a chic uniform with black as the base from working at a booth selling high class confections, but her cuteness wasn’t affected even in that slightly plain outfit.

Rather, the largeness of her breasts was conspicuously standing out just as much as how few the exposure rate of her attire was.

「Next, is certainly my turn, you know?」


Lux was puzzled hearing Philuffy suddenly saying that.

If he remembered correctly, there shouldn’t be any promise like that though.

「Isn’t that right, Lu-chan?」

「Eh, tha, that’s right, I think……?」

「There is, isn’t it?」

「E, exactly!」

Lux spontaneously nodded when he was stared by her fixed gaze *jii-*.

「The, then it can’t be helped. Help us out next time okay, Lux-kun.」

The other girls seemed to give up after he yielded against Philuffy who was acting forceful in contrast to her absentminded appearance.

「Then, I’ve made it. So Lu-chan, come over here.」

「……Eh, wah!?」

Philuffy’s hand gently pulled Lux and he got on his feet.

Then they headed towards one of the stalls inside the school building and entered a separate room that was empty.

「──Eh? This place」

「Storeroom……doubled as, break room. For the use of the booths on the second floor.」

Philuffy pulled a chair as soon as she said that, then she lightly tapped her hand *pon pon* on it.

「Wait, a bit.」

After Lux sat there, Philuffy slowly exited the room.

Perhaps the timing was just right at the busy period for many of the stores, because there were almost no other students inside the room.

It seemed that the remaining girls inside were also tired, they didn’t try to approach him.

「Everyone is full of vigor huh.」

When Lux smiled wryly, Philuffy returned.

A mountain of confection was placed on the tray both her hands were carrying.

It wasn’t a metaphor or anything, it was really a mountain.

「Wait, didn’t you have work for me!?」

Even though he completely thought that it was a request for him as『odd job specialist』.

「Because, I couldn’t go together with Lu-chan, to the crepe store.」

「A, is, is that so.」

He was busy and had no time for outings, so Philuffy must mean this to be the compensation for that.

「This is, the best selling here.」

Philuffy said that and put various confections on the cloth that was spread on a few tables joined into one.

Freshly baked apple pie, cherry pie, pancakes, and donuts. They were also garnished with a ton of whip cream and fruit jam.

Even though sweet confections was a high class item even in the New Kingdom, but for this kind of booth to be able to offer them like this was just as expected from an Academy of noble daughters.

「Lu-chan. Open your mouth, aaan」

While he was being overwhelmed by that amazing line up of sweets, Philuffy who was sitting beside him leaned forward a lot and held out a sweet that was stabbed by a fork towards him.

「Wai-, Phi-chan!? That……I can eat it by myself!」

Being fed itself was embarrassing, but there was a bigger problem.

Surely Philuffy herself didn’t realize it, but when she leaned forward from the side towards him, that──springy voluptuous chest of hers touched him.

But, it seemed Philuffy had no awareness of it, she was sticking even closer to him with her usual serious face.

「It’s fine, just do it.」

「No but, everyone resting here is also looking at us!」

There were few students who were currently resting inside the break room, but that didn’t mean there was none at all.

As expected doing this while attention was focused on them was……thinking that, Lux attempted his last resistance.

「……The crepe store. I wanted to go.」

But, Lux was beaten by Philuffy’s dispassionate muttering and he opened his mouth with resolve.


「Lu-chan. Is it delicious?」

The soft body’s sensation, the scent of her hair, and then her voice that came from very near.

Somehow he felt sweetness not just from his tongue, but even from his five senses and the air.

*Chew chew* The pie’s texture was brittle and crumbled inside his mouth, the taste of baked apple and cinnamon’s aroma gently slipped out from his nose.

Furthermore the faint mild taste of the velvety cream smoothly wrapped Lux’s tongue.

「Delicious……it’s really sweet, but that’s not all there is to it.」

It wasn’t merely sweet, the tastes mysteriously possessed a sense of unity with each other, causing tension to leave Lux’s body.

Lux himself didn’t hate sweet things, but to think that he would feel it to be this delicious──

「I’m glad.」

Philuffy gave a faint smile that looked happy and next she also held out a crepe.

It was wrapped in cream and pear syrup. That too was delicious as expected, but its sweetness wasn’t that strong.

The cream must be a plain one.

Because of that there was a balance with the sweet dough and the ingredients.

「Because Mr. crepe seller taught me. Now, I can have it together with Lu-chan anytime.」


Lux spontaneously turned speechless hearing what Philuffy said.

She expressly went to the store and asked how to make the flavor, then she even created it while thinking of the preference of the grown up Lux.

His heart was fiercely touched from her straightforward consideration for him.

Somehow, it felt nostalgic.

He could remember Philuffy baking an extraordinarily sweet and large pancake for his sake in the past like it was only yesterday.

Though at that time more than half of the pancakes were eaten by Philuffy.

「Thank you, Phi-chan. Here……for you.」

Lux too also cut a nearby pancake with a knife, poured a lot of maple syrup on it, and held it out to Philuffy.


It seemed she didn’t expect Lux to respond back without any shyness, she was slightly losing her bearing.

But, before long she opened her small mouth and accepted it.

「Nn, delicious.」

At first it was embarrassing to be seen by the students around, but he was touched by her pure feelings and it felt stupid to be concerned by people’s gazes.

Lux and Philuffy immersed themselves in the deliciousness of the sweets for a while, while having a rest.

「Even so, that was a good timing for you to come while I was free. Even though Phi-chan should be really busy too──」

Lux drank a second helping of tea while saying that, then,

「I also didn’t know. I was thinking to meet Lu-chan later, but then a masked person told me, that it seemed Lu-chan’s work would be finished after a bit longer.」


Lux didn’t notice because he was focused, but he didn’t have a rest at all except at lunch.

From what Philuffy said, there was someone somewhere who was paying attention to such Lux.

There was one person who he thought would do such thing.

「That person──could she be」

「She had big breasts, tall, and blonde hair. Though she forbid me to speak, telling me 『It’s not permitted to tell this to Lux okay』.」

「You are exposing everything you know, Phi-chan!? You aren’t hiding even a single thing you know!?」

Even though they were inside a break room, Lux instinctively raised his voice and retorted.

In a sense it was just as expected, but the one who was worrying about Lux’s body seemed to be Celis.

(As I thought, she is helping me? But──)

When he faced her, she would suddenly cower back and went away somewhere, so he didn’t understand.

Though it would be fine if he could go somewhere where he would be able to meet Celis directly.

While he was thinking such thing, the door behind them was suddenly opened loudly.

When he looked back in panic, there the friends of his childhood friend, all three of the Triad were standing.

「Yahoo. Lux-chi, you’re well? Aa, you are playing hooky with Philuffy! This will not do!」

First Tillfur spoke teasingly and approached Lux.

Then, the leader Sharis immediately smiled wryly and watched that with folded arms.

「Good grief, it’s Tillfur who said that you want to rest because you’re tired patrolling right?」

「Yes. Acting like that because you want to play with Lux-san, you aren’t honest.」

Noct also agreed with what Sharis pointed out. Her eyes were staring reproachfully.

Tillfur who got stabbed in the back by her comrades immediately blushed and got flustered.

「Wai-!? You don’t need to say that in front of the person himself do you!? Even though you two agreed with my suggestion, that’s cowardly you know!?」

As always the three got along really well. Thinking that, Lux smiled while watching them. There Tillfur cleared her throat *cough* and looked at Lux.

「……Err, it will be time for the events to reach stopping point soon you see. Won’t you participate in an event together with us after this? Lux-chi is this Academy’s student, too, after all. I think playing around sometimes is also good instead of working all the time.」

Tillfur’s pace was thrown out of order by the retorts from Sharis and Noct. She was whispering with her gaze away from him while sending short glances.

Normally she was someone who got carried away easily and acted as a mood maker, but surprisingly she was fundamentally serious.

She was properly being considerate of Lux as one of his friends.

「Right. Then, if you are okay with me please let me participate. Ah, but──」

Lux thought that he would consent readily to her invitation while thinking such thing, but suddenly he became concerned of one thing and hesitated to continue.

The matter of Celis weighed on his mind, he wondered whether he could meet her somehow.

「Fuh, you don’t need to worry Lux-kun. Your wish should be fulfilled.」

Sharis suddenly tapped Lux’s shoulder and smiled proudly.

When Lux tilted his head and looked up at the girl, Noct approached him quietly and whispered.

「Yes. Because Celis-senpai is also arranged to participate in this event. At that time if things go well you should be able to talk with her.」


It seemed the three got an inkling of Celis’s behavior.

「Really, my best friend is also a troubling person. Well, it’s really like Celis to be like that though.」

「Do you, know something about that?」

When Lux asked like that, Sharis only cast her eyes down suggestively.

「Ascertain that with your own eyes Lux-kun. I got the gist of it but, this kind of thing should be heard from the mouth of the person themselves.」


「Now, let’s go Lux-chi. This event this year will surely get heated up!」

Tillfur took Lux’s hand to avoid the topic and pulled him.

Lux left the school building together with Philuffy while still not understanding anything.

「Everyone from Cross Field! And then everyone of our Academy, are you having fuuuun!? From here our Academy’s special event, the costume competition will begiiinn!」

A special stage made from wood was set up at the center of the courtyard.

That place was used for things like dramas or concerts at noon. There, Lux and the others, the well-known members were gathered.

When the female student who acted as the host raised her voice, cheers rose up and enthusiasm enveloped the place.

Not just students and Academy personnel, there were also citizens of Cross Field and also guests from other cities that came here in droves.

「This time, our Academy’s Drag-Knights, the strong and noble beauties of Syvalles will be clad in captivating clothes unlike usual! If your heart is stolen by their figures, please send them a grand applause. Then first──I’ll introduce the participants!」

「──Wait, girls……wait, it’s only me who is male here though-!?」

On the stage Lux spontaneously retorted, but everyone casually ignored him.

「Fur-ther-more. The participant who obtains everyone’s vote and won will be given a special present. Everyone, please give them your support without fail!」


Loud acclamation enveloped the place once more.

Lux didn’t really get it but, it seemed the host was skilled in enlivening the event.

Next the members of Syvalles who were gathered on the stage started introducing themselves in turn.

「……Eerr, I’m first I guess. I’m, the New Kingdom’s Princess, Lizsharte Atismata. It’s my first time wearing a costume like this but…… I’ll do my best.」

First Lisha greeted shyly. Cheering voices welled up from the audience.

After Lisha was Krulcifer, then Philuffy.

And then──the last one finally appeared on the stage.

「That, I am, the captain of Syvalles, Celistia Ralgris. Pe, personally I think that I cannot fool around like this but……」

She was bewildered while sending a glance at Lux.

It seemed that she was splendidly caught in the『pretend』that Sharis devised.

『When I met Celis just now, I whispered a bit of information to her──I heard that the champion of the next event will be given the right to forcefully give orders to Lux-kun. In order to protect him, how about Celis also participate in it? I said.』

As the result of telling her that in a roundabout way like that, Celis who was watching Lux from the shadows until now came out to the open like this.

(Celis-senpai……, is she all right?)

Although, when he tried to meet her gaze, she would immediately avert her gaze.

The event started while he was fretting about that matter.

「Then, we have finished with the self-introduction, now it’s time for changing into the costumes. We will distribute the voting paper during this time! One person will only get one paper okaaay! Multiple votes are invalid!」

When Lux and the others went behind the stage, various costumes that appeared to be used in the play at noon were placed there.

While the eyes of Lux and the others were wandering around at the large amount of costumes, Tillfur came to the front.

「And soo, we will help out with wearing the costumes, so tell us what everyone wants. By the way, it will be first come first served for the costumes.」

The Triad and Airi took the role as support for them.

Naturally, even though Lux was called the Chore Prince, but as expected he didn’t have experience in wearing costumes.

While he was perplexed of what to do, Airi and Noct came to him together.

For some reason the two of them were holding a black curtain that was attached on a circle frame.

「Wait, what’s that!? Why is it only me who──」

「Haa, this is why Nii-san, who is recently only going to foreign countries, is troubling. Have you forgotten that this is an academy of noble girls?」


Lux suddenly noticed the girls holding costumes in their hands were staring fixedly at his way from afar.

It was obvious but, they were bothered by the gaze of Lux who was the only man here.

「Yes. ──And so, Lux-san, please change inside this blackout curtain. I will help you with it.」

While Airi was holding up the the curtain with both her hands, Noct who was from the family background of maids told Lux that.

That offer itself was really helpful, but.

「Say, Noct. Because of this curtain, even I don’t know what I am wearing but, this costume, could it be──」

After taking off his uniform, Lux felt somewhat uneasy by the shape of the costume that was handed to him.

How should he say it, if Lux wasn’t misunderstanding, there was a skirt mixed among the costume.

「Yes. The hook over here is fixed like this so──it’s finished.」

Airi lowered the curtain along with Noct’s level and calm voice.

At that moment, the other girls who had finished changing simultaneously opened their eyes wide in astonishment.

「Well then, everyone who has costumed up will enter the stage. First is the princess of our kingdom, her highness Lizsharte Atismata!」


When Lisha appeared first on the stage, a loud cheer welled up.

「Wai-, what the hell is with this erotic appearance!? I am the princess of the New Kingdom you know!?」

What Lisha was wearing was a dancer costume with high exposure rate.

It was an outfit that only covered her breasts, stomach, and a part of her legs. A translucent cloth completed the costume.

The brightly colored costume that was in the style of the southern countries was splendidly drawing out her loveliness that was sensual even with the vague innocence in it.

「Ee, but Lisha-sama. It’s not that much different from the pilot suit that you are usually wearing. Besides, it suits her, isn’t that right? Everyooone!」

The host grinned broadly and stirred up the audience.

「Bu, but still. As expected this appearance is a bit……」

It was hidden thanks to the waistcloth that was tightly wrapped around her stomach, but she was worrying whether the mark on her abdomen was visible or not.

She wasn’t simply embarrassed from the exposure, Lisha was also flustered from worrying about that, it was then,

「What a troubling person. But, surely Lux-kun will also think that Lisha-sama looks cute you knoow」

「Re, really!?」

On the stage Lisha asked the girl host.

Lux who heard that nodded shortly even while looking troubled. Tillfur who came out from behind the stage secretly told Lisha.

「Yo, yosh, got it. That──I’m not good with dancing so I cannot do it. But I’ll fight in the contest with this! Everyone, give me your vote!」

Lisha resolved herself and folded her arms. The audience got even more excited in response.

Read more  Anime Giống Baccano

At the same time, the second entry Krulcifer got up from her chair behind the stage.

「She is doing better than I expected. ──Then, next will be my turn.」

Saying that, Krulcifer who was wearing a black dress suit came up on the stage.

The girl who was clad in a tailcoat suit transformed into a beauty in male clothing.

「Ooh, this too is cool.」

Her hair was her usual long straight hair, but coupled with her cool smile, it wasn’t something distracting at all.

This time it was mainly the female student audiences] who were holding their breaths with rapt attention.

Lisha who saw that leaked out ‘kuh……’ with a bitter face.

「Well then, next person. The daughter of that famous Aingram Conglomerate, Philuffy Aingram-saaann」

Next the third person, Philuffy’s turn arrived.

Both Lisha and Krulcifer possessed quite the confidence of their appearance, but──



When the expressionless Philuffy came up to the stage, the audience leaked out a carnal sigh.

It was a risqué costume that was composed of thin cloth and string.

It was complemented with a hair band that imitated animal ears, tights that covered her white thighs, black shoes, and ribbon.

It was somewhat unfamiliar──something with high exposure rate, but coupled with her unique absentminded atmosphere, the appearance looked terribly charming.

In Lux’s opinion, it might be a style that took after the Automata they happened to see inside the Ruins.

「Eerr── this is the outfit of an angel that was drawn in a picture which was excavated from the Ruins and other places. Everyone, please enjoy!」

After the host explained, the audience continued to stare while forgetting to even breath.

It was a low-key reaction compared to the previous two, but surely it was because the audience forgot themselves due to the lovely atmosphere of the costumed Philuffy.

「Muu……. This is bad, Krulcifer!」

「Seems like it. To think that she will come out attacking with a costume this bold……」

At the side, Lisha and Krulcifer consulted each other in a common front.

At this rate, Philuffy’s victory would be set in stone.

While they were thinking of such things, the host introduced the fourth contestant.

「──Next, the former prince of the Old Empire, and the only boy of our Academy, Lux Arcadia-kun. Please……wait, eh?」

When the fourth girl──or rather, boy came up to the stage, the venue stirred slightly.

A boy in maid appearance was standing on the stage with an extremely awkward and flustered expression.

He was wearing a dress with black as its basic color, a clean apron, and white maid headdress.

The skirt’s length was short because it was the customized version of the uniform that Tillfur was wearing previously.

And then, what was eye catching above all else was the non-existent wig to hide Lux’s features.

「You all are terrible!? Why is it only me whose costume is half-baked like this……」

The wearer of the costume, Lux was the very picture of a child-faced boy with a well-ordered face, so everyone noticed instantly that it was a cross dressing boy.

But, seeing the girl-faced young boy wearing a maid uniform, the audience was staring at that in a daze.

At first their reaction was simply of bewilderment, but gradually their reaction was changing.

「O, oi Krulcifer. Don’t tell me this is」

「Yes…… most likely the Triad estimated that Lux-kun would easily win if he is perfectly dressed with female clothing, so they didn’t give him the wig, but looking carefully──」

At that moment, the hearts of Lisha and Krulcifer, and then the assembled audience were one in thought.

‘Isn’t this alright in its own way’, they thought.

It was an imperfect cross-dress, but in exchange the aspect of the child-faced young boy was highlighted, and there was even the sense of immorality from how the boy was clearly forced to wear the costume.

Lux who was unaware of such thought in the hearts of the masses was suffering heartache. Seeing that, Philuffy took Lux’s hand with slightly blushing cheeks.

「……Lu-chan. You are cute.」


A lovely girl in the figure of an animal spirit, and a young boy who was dressed as a maid faced each other.

It was magical──or perhaps perverse, as though the two had slipped out from a fairy tale somewhere. The audience was deeply moved by such scene, the students and citizens gave them applause.

「Both of you matched each other!」

「That’s great, missy and lad!」


「So, somehow it feels like I’ve seen something forbidden……. But for some reason── I cannot take my eyes off them.」

The students and visitors raised their cheers and gave them praising voices.

The mood was as though the contender for the overall victory was suddenly reduced to just Philuffy and Lux, but right after that, the sound of footsteps of the last contestant coming up to the stage could be heard.

「Well then while everyone is roused up, it’s the last contestant. The big shot of our New Kingdom, the strongest Drag-Knight in the Academy, it’s captain Celistia Ralgris!」

The girl who acted as the host raised her voice and loudly introduced.

At the same time a girl was slowly climbing up the stairs. Everyone spontaneously held their breaths.

After all it was the figure of Celis whose body was only wrapped with a water dressswimsuit for summer and a jacket.

Furthermore, the exposure rate was even more intense than the one Lux saw previously in the training camp. When looked from behind, the surface of her butt could be seen much.

Furthermore the swimsuit was opened gapingly until her back. Lux’s gaze was strongly pulled into her even though they were standing on the same stage.

「Wai-!? Wha, what is the meaning of this──!? This is different from what I heard-!? I, I was told that everyone will be wearing water dresses so……! Even so, that can’t be helped in order to protect Lux isn’t it!?」

Celis who always possessed a dignified grace was exposing the line of her voluptuous body with a bright red face.

She was a graceful young daughter of a duke, but she was also a straight-laced person who hated men.

The general public that held such impressions towards Celis got excited by the gap and they raised joyful yells.

「……In the end, men are all just perverted beasts.」

「It seems so. The atmosphere before this was instantly blown away without a trace.」

With a really conflicted face, Krulcifer agreed with the dumbfounded Lisha.

Lux’s ears hurt hearing what the two said frankly, but even so, Celis was emitting charm that he couldn’t resist from looking at even now.

「I, it’s no good as expected! E, excuse me!」

Celis who was flustered from the unexpected response from the audience turned around and got down from the stage.

After a while, Celis returned to the stage wearing a pilot suit with exposure rate that was somewhat lowered.

「The, there is no time to prepare substitute costume so, with this……. If it’s this I’ve been wearing it habitually so──」

Celis pulled herself back together while standing with a serious expression.

This time she was in her usual appearance. It caused the female students who idolized her to watch enraptured.

The male visitors looked somewhat disappointed, but the pilot suit also had quite a high exposure rate, and was alluring how it was clinging tightly on the body.

Furthermore there was also a gap with the adorableness that she showed just now, so it displayed Celis even more charmingly.

「Well then, it’s time for the voting with all the contestants lined up here! Now, all of you, give your votes to the student who you thought as the best among these five!」

The host raised her voice and the audience put their votes into the box.

When Lux came down from the stage in order to change clothes, his gaze accidentally met the gaze of Celis who was wearing a pilot suit.


He thought to ask Celis about the matter of her avoiding him since some time ago, but Lux too was embarrassed that he was still in a maid costume, so the both of them averted their gazes reflexively.

「Good grief, even though I set it up for him to meet Celis after much trouble, these two are really hopeless.」

The Triad were staring at the two from afar while sighing.

If Lux lost in this costume tournament, it was unknown what kind of unseemly order he would receive──it seemed that they brought Celis here with such threat.

「But to think that she would even wear that water dress. Celis-senpai is a bit different as expected when it comes to Lux-chi.」

「Yes. Honestly speaking, the first water dress was a joke with the assumption that she would refuse, but now I feel greatly apologetic.」

Tillfur and Noct muttered with slight reservation. Airi was staring at them reproachfully from the side.

「If Celis-senpai heard it just now, she will scold you all harshly you know……?」


Lux was faintly listening to such conversation behind him while he finished changing clothes.

(Celis-senpai went that far so that I won’t receive any strange order……)

If that was the case, then that meant Celis didn’t hate him or anything.

However, then he became even more puzzled.

If that was the case all this time, he wondered why she wouldn’t talk directly with him.

「The voting result has come! All the participants, please come up to the stage once more!」

With the host urging, Lux and the others, the five contestants returned to the stage.

Right after that, the bell tower within the Academy ground rang loudly and small confetti fluttered in the air.

「Congratulations! The one who obtained the most votes, is Celistia-san of the Four Great Nobles!」


The moment Celis’s eyes turned round in astonishment, loud cheers roared in front of the stage.

Perhaps it should be said as expected, the risqué water dress figure at the beginning, and then the dignified pilot suit figure after that.

The two appearances gathered voted from both males and females.

Furthermore Lux and Philuffy tied for second place. He expressed the feeling inside his heart that he didn’t know whether it was alright to honestly be happy about it.

A trophy and two envelopes were presented to Celis as the prize.

「Fufufu, please open one of the envelopes. One is the true reward──the certificate of the right to give any order you like to anyone in this campus festival. The other one is a punishment game where you will need to approach the opposite sex. You still cannot let your guard down here~」

「I don’t really get it but, this one──」

Celis was shaken while opening one of the envelopes.

There, she saw the content that was written on it and she spontaneously blinked.

「Whoops, it’s the enveloped of punishment game. The content is──kissing someone of the opposite sex! It’s alright to do it anywhere!」

After the host read up the content loudly, a great commotion spread through the venue.

The male visitors were cheering, while the female students were making somewhat envious expressions while staring at Celis and Lux.

「Eerr……. By opposite sex, you mean──」

「Yes. In Celis-senpai’s case it will be towards a man──that’s what it means. If you like, you can even do it with a boy close to you, right here, right now……」

「Wha, wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-!? Tha, that’s not permitted!? Doing such thing in front of people──」

「Eee? But, this is the Academy’s main attraction. Please go along with it properly~」

The host urged like that with a mischievous tone.

‘The Academy’s’── hearing those words, Celis slowly gazed at Lux’s face even while her cheeks were turning red.

「Celis, senpai……」

Stared by Celis’s vaguely seductive expression, the beating of Lux’s heart was throbbing intensely.

Celis was walking towards him and brought her lips closer with a troubled face.

(Wha, what to do!? No matter what, doing something like this in front of people──)

Even while feeling flustered like that, he thought that it might make do somehow if it was only a little peck on the cheek.

Lux resolved himself like that and took a deep breath, then he closed his eyes──but,

「I, it’s no good as I thought!? I’m──」

Celis whose face was bright red got down from the stage and ran away.

「Oh dear, so Lux-kun got dumped. Then, let’s have the punishment game done later! Well then everyone. Thank you very much for comiiing!」

The host dealt even with the sudden happening flexibly and concluded the event nicely.


Even while smiling wryly from being made as joke material, Lux was feeling strangely complicated, but behind him and behind the stage, the girls were patting down their chests in relieve.

「Fuu……, it’s lucky that Celis is so straight-laced. Honestly I was feeling chilly there. E, even I haven’t kissed him──」

「You’re right. But we still cannot let our guard down. After all that person is also unexpectedly powerful.」

「Yeah……. Wait, you did it as you pleased right!? Even though I didn’t even permit it, but several times──!」

At the side of Lisha and Krulcifer who was talking of such things, Lux who got down from the stage was in a daze.

In the end, he was unable to talk to Celis about why she was avoiding him until now.

「I understand that Nii-san is disappointed that you were unable to receive a kiss, so can I ask you to act a bit more firmly?」

Perhaps unable to bear the look of her big brother who was like that, the little sister Airi retorted like that.

「Yo, you misunderstood!? That’s, I’m, concerned with Celis-senpai’s state──. I don’t understand, if she is actually avoiding me or not……」

After Lux said that without confidence, Sharis of the Triad smiled wryly.

「……Well, it can’t be helped. There is also no way we can meddle for more than this.

「It feels like you had interfered all out with Celis-senpai to make her participate in this event though……」

Sharis ignored Lux’s retort and smiled.

And then Lux left the courtyard stage and returned once more to his odd jobs specialist work. It was at that time──

「Excuseee me! Please wait!」

Coral was running in front of Lux’s eyes. Perhaps he was in the middle of a break, because he wasn’t wearing the butler uniform, but the uniform of the Vanheim Principality. (TN: I used Wanheim before this, after discussing with Omega I decided to change it into Vanheim)

「Coral, what’s the matter?」

「Ah, Lux-kun?」

Lux immediately followed behind the running Coral while calling out to him.

The young boy with androgynous face smiled awkwardly then.

「No, it looks like a customer forgot his thing just now. There was a wallet in it, but it looks like the customer has gone until the academy gate──」

「Then, I’ll also help. I know about the surrounding area well.」

Lux immediately responded like that and ran side by side with Coral.

After talking to the gatekeeper and getting the permission to go out, they found the back of the man wearing a gray coat, which was the feature of the person Coral told Lux.

「It looks like we made it in time. Thank you, from here I’ll be fine by myself.」

Coral suddenly showed a bright smile before he dashed towards the alley the man turned into.

But, right after Lux nodded and waved his hand, a sense of discomfort ran through his body.

(Wait? If I remember right, the other side of the alley over there is──)

Coral who wasn’t a resident of Cross Field wasn’t familiar with the area, but the end of that alley should be a dead end right now because the street was under construction.

The moment Lux thought that, without delay he pulled out the Sword Device on his waist.

And then, he thought strongly and summoned Wyvern, equipped it quickly, and flew.


When Lux crossed the wall and flew to the other side of the alley, he discovered the figure of Coral’s body being restrained by a dark grey Drag-Ride.

His bad premonition was right in the mark.

Coral was lured by the man who seemed to be a bandit using the wallet as bait, and he was caught.


Conversely the rough man with black mustache wearing an EX Drake was surprised by Lux’s appearance. His eyes snapped wide open and he trembled.

「Let him go-!」

Not letting go of that opening, Lux quickly launched an attack using his Blade.

The enemy’s armored arm was slightly scraped and the restriction on Coral loosened.

Using that chance, Lux drove his Wyvern and took Coral back, he then flew to the sky and took distance from the enemy.

If he could be greedy, he wanted to defeat the Drag-Knight right here, but he also couldn’t do that.

His movement would be restricted if he had to keep protecting Coral who wasn’t wearing his Drag-Ride, and the skill of the enemy who was wearing the strengthened general-purpose Drag-Ride and the possibility of other ambushers were unknown.

Carelessly pursuing the enemy might expose Lux and Coral to danger instead.

Thus Lux was watching the situation. There the enemy recovered his calm and showed a mocking grin.

「……Disappointing. To think that you can take him back. Even though a peace loving idiot drunk on benevolence finally got lured out just to give back something like a forgotten wallet. ──See ya!」

The man yelled, at the same time, a strange round blade flew out from the shoulder of the EX Drake.


When Lux quickly swung his Blade and deflected it, the figure of the enemy vanished.


After looking around for a few seconds in alert, Lux landed down for the moment and picked an armor fragment.

The two returned to the Academy and talked to the guards about the circumstances, and then he confirmed that Coral wasn’t injured.

「Thank you Lux-kun. Sorry…… I troubled you like that.」

「No. It’s me who should apologize. If only I noticed the enemy’s intention faster──」

When Lux told that to Coral who was hanging his head down apologetically, the androgynous faced young boy stared fixedly at Lux’s face.

And then, he showed a smile that looked relieved.

「As I thought, Lux-kun really is a good person. There are also people like the one just now but, not everyone is like that isn’t it……. As I thought, that’s right. Next time when you are in trouble, I too will come to help you for sure──」

「Right. Take care of me then, Coral.」

Lux responded with a smile to Coral’s murmur that had left behind his bewilderment.

The shadow of unrest of the enemy who slipped into the hustle and bustle of the Campus Festival and took them by surprise.

While feeling a tinge of anxiety due to that, they returned to the inside of the Academy.

Part 5

After finishing several requests after that, the sun had set in the blink of an eye.

The first half of the Campus Festival──, the festival’s first day came to a close.

There was also the opening of the summit and the stay of the Seven Dragon Paladins here. Lux even felt a vague premonition of trouble, but today was so peaceful that he could even forget such nervousness while the time was passing.

In the middle, it seemed there were also five or six cases of the kind of peeping or thieving towards the female students by outsiders who traveled here expressly for that, but it seemed that they were safely prevented before any harm was done.

This event that also doubled as interaction with the citizens of Cross Field seemed to receive superb popularity but──


Late at night when Lux finished helping out with all the work and tidying up, he was wiping his body alone in his own room inside the girl’s dormitory.

Normally, if his luck was good, he would be able to use the large public bath after the female students of the Academy finished bathing, but only for today everyone was entering the bath late, so he wasn’t blessed by such chance.

He felt just a bit disappointed that he couldn’t enter the large bath.

「I got a bit too used to the luxury here huh.」

Lux wiped his half-naked body while smiling wryly.

Through his livelihood of doing chores for five years, it was natural to not be able to enter a bath, and yet in his current academy livelihood, he had adapted really well with the life here.

However, Lux’s worries were the same as that time.

The atonement of being unable to accomplish the revolution just as he saw fit.

And then, his other worry.

About his doubt, that perhaps he actually didn’t understand anything about other people’s feelings.

At that time, he was unable to detect the signs of Fugil’s betrayal.

And then even now, it was as though he couldn’t even imagine what was the reason for that betrayal.

Lux wondered that perhaps it was a defect he had as an imperial family member──no, as a human.

「As I thought, I……」

「It seems Aruji-sama is really tired from today. The muscles of your body are stiff.」

「……Ah, yeah. I was having fun in the Academy after so long, that today I got too enthusiastic.」

The sensation of a towel that was just soaked into hot water wiping his back caused Lux to reflexively reply like that.

「That’s great. But, having fatigue remaining will be a hindrance for the skill demonstration battle tomorrow. Allow me to unravel Aruji-sama’s stiffness.」

「Thank you, Yoruka. ──Wait, what are you doing in my room!?」

Lux who noticed an instant later turned around and yelled.


He certainly didn’t hear any knocking sound, and not to mention any footsteps or even breathing sounds, and yet she was suddenly here.

Kirihime Yoruka was standing there, as though she crawled out from the shadows.

「My, I shouldn’t do that, Aruji-sama?」

But, the girl herself didn’t show any signs of guilty feelings. She was smiling calmly.

「N, no, it’s fine for you to come meet me but, right now is no good you know!? If other people saw this scene inside the girl’s dormitory, as expected they will completely misunderstand──」

When Lux spoke in bewilderment, the girl clad in black clothes in the style of a foreign country tilted her head in puzzlement, then right after that she smiled apologetically.

「That’s also true. Then allow me to take off my clothes too. Like this no matter how anyone looked at it, there is no way other people would mistake me as anything other than a loyal servant serving Aruji-sama.」

「That’s not it!? I’m not worrying about us getting misunderstood in that kind of meaning you know!?」

Lux reflexively tried to look back, but he noticed that Yoruka was already stark naked and he faced forward in panic.

Right after that, Yoruka pushed her body to stick close on Lux’s back.


The smooth sensation of velvety skin.

Furthermore the sweet sensation of breasts being pressed on his back caused Lux’s skin to get goosebumps.

When his head was spontaneously about to boiled up, Yoruka’s whispering voice entered his ear.

「I beg you to be quiet, Aruji-sama. Or else the『report』I had painstakingly gathered would be eavesdropped.」


Lux quickly returned to his senses from Yoruka’s words.

And then, Yoruka wiped Lux’s body while slowly talking to him.

「The Blue Tyrant, Lord Singlen. The Steel Witch, Rosa Granhide. And then, the three Lords including Fugil Arcadia. They were observing the festival docilely without leaving the eyes of their guards from the New Kingdom──the people tasked to observe them.」

Yoruka wasn’t showing her figure for most of the first day of the Campus Festival because she was fulfilling a request from Lux.

The performance of ‘The Knight of A Foreign Country’ that was entrusted to her wasn’t restricted by anything except that『she had to patrol the venue in that appearance』. Because of that Lux could ask her to do this task.

The three factions Lux was on guard against that were in this Academy right now.

Singlen Shelbrit who was envisioning a new order by the Drag-Knights.

Rosa Granhide, the Seven Dragon Paladin from Heiburg who showed a warlike attitude toward the New Kingdom.

The three Lords who came to negotiate.

Lux was cautious to the possibility that they might be scheming some kind of disturbance in this campus festival, but it seemed nothing had happened.

「Am I…… worrying too much?」

Lux directed a calm gaze to the floor and murmured.

In this situation where the VIP from many countries were gathered and the surveillance was also strengthened, as expected even they didn’t show any disturbing movement.

But, even among the three factions, he felt a bad premonition only from Rosa.

The instinct that Lux cultivated during his time in the Old Empire more than five years ago felt it.

Rosa was emitting a severe malice towards other people.

She wasn’t merely bold and arrogant, it would be dangerous if he didn’t take countermeasures against her, his instinct told him.

「Aruji-sama’s decision isn’t mistaken. I too feel it from that woman──a definite hostility. After I finish this report, I will return to observing that woman.」

「No, it’s fine.」

Lux refused Yoruka’s suggestion.

And then, while keeping his back turned on Yoruka who was soaking the towel with hot water again behind him, he suddenly smiled.

「Thank you for today, Yoruka. And then, I’m sorry to ask unreasonable things like this from you. Tomorrow you can freely enjoy the Campus Festival until the time for the skill demonstration battle of me and Celis-senpai.」


There was no response which was unusual for Yoruka, so Lux looked back slightly. There Yoruka was staring at Lux with an expression that looked unusually puzzled.

Read more  Nhiệm vụ cứu Sanji trong "One Piece" Chapter 821 có thể bị gián đoạn khi Zou đối mặt với mối đe dọa lớn

「Eh? What’s the matter, Yoruka?」

「No, Aruji-sama was saying something strange, weren’t you? Such thing is unnecessary for me.」

Yoruka showed her usual bewitching smile while muttering that.

「I am Aruji-sama’s tool. It will be my satisfaction if I can be useful for the sake of accomplishing Aruji-sama’s aspirations. Besides, I’m a little troubled. Festivals were also held in my nation of Koto, but in the first place I possess no emotion to enjoy it.」

In the past, Yoruka was a member of the royal family of an island nation to the east, and yet she was feared by her father because of her lack of humanity and she was abandoned. She had such experience.

「Besides, thinking of the safety of this academy where Aruji-sama is staying, it will be more efficient to make use of me.」

「……Perhaps, that’s so.」

Lux nodded to Yoruka’s suggestion.

If thinking about the advantage and disadvantage, certainly that would be the best decision to make.


「But──even so I want Yoruka to try to normally spend your time in the Campus Festival. Perhaps this is just my own willful imposition to you but, if it’s just for a bit, I will be able to look around together with you.」

「……Aruji-sama is saying the same thing as Lizsharte-san.」

「Lisha-sama was?」

Lux tilted his head hearing that unexpected comparison.

When he asked, during their travel to the Ymir Theocracy to chase after Lux, Lisha spoke to Yoruka about various things, and even after that it seemed she kept speaking to Yoruka frequently.

For a moment Lux thought of it as odd, but after thinking for a bit, he somehow could imagine the reason.

「That is surely, because Lisha-sama is also similar to you, I think?」

Lux abruptly smiled and spoke of his own conjecture.

In the past, Lisha was captured as a hostage of the Old Empire and she was about to be reduced into an assassin.

She had to act the role where her own feelings were irrelevant, first as the tool of negotiation with her father who intended to perform a coup d’etat, then as the symbol of the New Kingdom after that.

Lux didn’t mention about the fine details, but he told Yoruka that Lisha was once in a similar environment to her.

Lux indirectly conveyed to her that surely there was a part of her that Lisha could sympathize with.

「That’s why, knowing that Yoruka is treating yourself as a『tool』all this time, perhaps Lisha-sama is unable to just tolerate it.」

「Is, that so? ──But, unfortunately I cannot understand it.」

「I see.」

Lux smiled wryly seeing Yoruka’s unchanging smile.

「But, I will follow what Aruji-sama told me to do. I believe I wish to look around the festival tomorrow. I will also go to Lizsharte-san’s place too for a bit.」

「I think that Lisha-sama will also surely be happy if you came. If Yoruka’s place in this Academy can increase more like that──that will be great.」

「Then, Aruji-sama. I sincerely ask you to be careful tomorrow.」

Right after his confidential talk with Yoruka was finished, *knock knock* the sound of the door getting knocked resounded.

The voice of Lisha who they had just talked about came from the other side of the door.

「Oi Lux. About the skill demonstration battle tomorrow, see, I tuned up your Drag-Ride slightly using the information that your little sister gathered to──」

「Wai-, right now it’s no good……-!?」

Lux yelled, but he was an instant late. The door opened.

Seeing the half-naked Lux and the fully naked Yoruka inside the room, Lisha instantly stood still like a statue.

「Wha, what are you doing to Lux-!? This ero woman──!」

Lisha who became teary eyed yelled. Hearing that, female students from other rooms also gathered there.

After that, it took a lot of time until Lisha calmed down and talked to him.

Part 6

Outside the Academy.

A single man was standing nearby the government office building where the leaders’ representatives were staying at.

Fugil who came as the guard of Listelka, the imperial family who represented the Lords, was silently feeling the wind blowing in the garden within the ground.

At that place where the bustle of the academy from afar could be heard, he was sitting on a small rock while staring up to the sky.

It was a time of vacuum where the observers and guards from the New Kingdom were taking their eyes off him slightly.

Within the time which was flowing slowly, a single outside element lost its way here.

A silver haired young man with an empty smile affixed to his face.

A few ml ahead of him, a humanoid shape that didn’t exist there a few seconds ago appeared.

「Hey, Fugil. Why did you save those dogs and cats? Doing that for the sake of unfamiliar animals, that you would even go as far as catching them yourself.」


It was a strange thing with humanoid shape.

──No, it was a silver haired girl with blue eyes, clad in a pure white dress. She was asking that question while tilting her head.

She was a petite girl that gave off the impression of purity and charm, with an appearance that no one in this world knew.

It was only one person who knew this girl’s name, only Fugil.

「The Arcadia family. The blood descendants of greedy traitors. You who are called like that with despise, why were you trying to save existences that are completely unrelated to you behind everyone’s back?」


Fugil didn’t respond to the question.

He was merely sending a sober gaze towards the girl, as though he was staring at a play that had been repeated hundreds of times.

「You fought against your own desire without care of any loss and gain for yourself, you even abandoned yourself to save the weak. You are actually, not a horrible human like everyone is saying. The truth is, you are a kind person who cannot overlook a troubled person. You are a person with the courage who can fight for the sake of someone else. That’s what I believe.」


The pretty expression of the girl before his eyes was frequently changing.

Fugil didn’t show any response towards that inexplicable existence.

「I didn’t want to do it. To arbitrarily decide that all of you are bad people and massacre you all. As a princess I didn’t want to give such order, but on the other hand as a person in the position of responsibility, I was hesitating all this time. Thanks to you, I could overcome it without making a mistake. You gave salvation to my heart that feared to sin. You are──my hero.」


Right after that smile, the girl’s figure instantly transformed.

It was as though the speed of time was fast-forwarded, the girl’s height grew slightly, and she changed into a grown up.

「Fugil. I want to use the power of this Avalon to accomplish a certain thing. I want to create a mechanism called Sacred Eclipse, in order to give salvation to the people. Those without power, those who are suffering from unfair discrimination, those who don’t have anyone extending a helping hand to them, I want to save them, even if just by one more person. I want to bring peace. I will be waiting for you to wake up, no matter how long, so──」

The face of the woman who had matured more than before smiled.

But right after that, a repulsive transformation occurred on that strange shaped body that imitated the girl.


The girl’s head split open and fresh blood dyed her face and hair.

Her pure white dress crumbled into tatters and countless whip marks emerged on her skin.

Her whole body was hideously burned along with an offensive smell, her nails were torn off, countless holes opened on her soft skin.

The fingers of her hands and feet fell in pieces on the ground.

Her eyeballs fell out as though they were gouged out, her teeth were also falling.

Her tongue vanished as though it were extracted out, her skin was carbonized.

Both her arms were severed, her shape was changing.

From human to thing.

The girl was changing shape into the wreckage of a thing that was once a human.

「──Hey, Fugil. It’s thanks to you.」

That existence that lost its original shape let out a voice that was unchanged in gentleness and elegance.

「Thanks to you saving everyone without abandoning them, I am──so」


The mouth of the thing that was a girl before warped into the shape of a crescent moon.

And then, from the gouged out eye sockets, liquid that was like tears, like blood was flowing out.

『Elixir』──it was the secret medicine of the Ruins that guided humans to evolution. It was shining sparklingly with seven colors.

「──Have you forgotten everything again? But unfortunately, Sacred Eclipse, I don’t need that anymore.」

Fugil who saw that finally showed a slight reaction.

「Your salvation is unnecessary for me. You can go, for the sake of the promise you are looking for. For the sake of the future that you yourself are wishing for. I won’t do anything to hinder you.」


The thing that was called Sacred Eclipse stood still on the spot for a few seconds, then its figure suddenly vanished like smoke.

The contact with the inexplicable phenomenon met its end without anyone else witnessing it.

A silence descended.

Within the time that was engraved with only gently blowing wind, Fugil gazed at the empty air and whispered.

「……No matter how many times I start over, no matter how much I go around at any kind of country──」

The man let out a long sigh with an expression that resembled resignation.

「Something like a『hero』that you longed for cannot be found anywhere, Asalia……」

An empty and warped voice.

That man continued to murmur with a dry voice filled with mere hopelessness.

「A hero……. Something like a hero──cannot be found anywhere in this world.」

A hatred that was like a curse.

An emotion that vaguely resembled resentment leaked out from between the gritted teeth.

Part 7

The second day of the Campus Festival.

The latter half of the festival that was blessed with consecutive clear weather was also passing by exceedingly peacefully.

Lux’s ‘Odd Jobs Specialist’ work was a success as usual, but he received work conservatively in preparation of the skill exhibition battle that would be held at the end of today, furthermore he would only work throughout the morning.

Today he was mainly enlivening events on stage, and he also performed interesting endeavors like giving coaching to the students in the practice grounds and so on.

Lisha was called on stage as one of the few specialists to explain about Drag-Ride. She showcased her terribly maniac knowledge. Krulcifer was also made to talk about anything as the representative of the New Kingdom’s allied country, the Ymir Theocracy.

In the event of martial art coaching, Philuffy and Yoruka took the role as coaching instructors, and a long line of people queing was formed in front of the tent.

「……Heh, that kind of absent minded and big breasted spoiled lady, how can she win against a man bare-handed. I’ll grope her all over under all the turmoil!」

「Ku-ku-ku, I’ll absolutely go with that black hair over there. Even though she is just wearing a uniform, she looks strangely lewd and stimulating. Something like sword skills don’t matter, I’ll push her down and sniff the noble lady smell till I’m satisfied.」

Two men who had large builds with a rough atmosphere laughed to each other while baring out their vulgar characters.

The event was already packed out to the degree that numbered tickets were distributed, but seeing how all the lining up customers were male, the character of humans could be felt clearly here.

「Haha, this year too it’s a big hit. It must be that. Everyone will forget when a year passed. Even though they got severely beaten up every year.」

Lux smiled wryly seeing Tillfur’s innocent smile.

Before long, the screams of men getting their joints lightly twisted by the girls could be heard.

「But this, isn’t it a bit cruel……?」

After all, the instructors were Philuffy and Yoruka.

Philuffy who possessed physical ability that was strengthened by an Abyss and the knowledge of martial arts coached in unarmed fighting, while Yoruka coached in sword art using a practice sword.

The men estimated they could win just from looking at the girls’ outward appearance and held strange expectations. Now they became pitiful.

「Don’t mind them. After all, only men with obscene thoughts are lining up there. Besides, if they aren’t threatened periodically like this, the peeping and sexual harassments will only go up.」

Sharis concluded with such an opinion that was becoming for the captain of the Academy’s vigilance committee.

「Yes. Lux-san too, if you still have any interest, then how about trying a rematch with us three? We have been training recently, so this time we won’t lose.」

Lux smiled awkwardly at the invitation Noct said with a bland tone.

After all, when he first came to this Academy, he was also chased around by these three due to being suspected as a peeping tom.

No, it was a fact that at that time he saw the naked body of the girls though.

「Even so, it really helps that Yoruka missy helps out. Originally it should be Celis who takes charge of being the sword art instructor, but she suddenly said that she wants to sit this out.」

Sharis suddenly changed the topic and explained the circumstances this time.

「Celis-senpai was? Why──」

Was it as expected, that the matter of the costume tournament yesterday affected her strongly?

「Who knows. Though perhaps it’s disappointing for Lux-chi because you are unable to get a kiss from Celis-senpai.」

「Yes. Everyone remember about the punishment game properly, so rest assured.」

「Yo, you are wrong!? It’s not like I’m worrying about that though, I am just──worried about Celis-senpai……」

Because, at the evening today, the skill exhibition battle would be held with the Heiburg Republic as the opponent.

No──that wasn’t all.

Celis’s condition had been strange since some time ago and she avoided him.

Why was she taking such attitude? Lux who was unable to realize the answer also felt frustrated at himself.

(In the end I── cannot even understand other people’s feelings.)

When he was thinking of such thing, a hand was suddenly plopped on Lux’s head.

Sharis who was showing the composure of the older one watched over Lux kindly.

「Yosh, come with me prince. I know about the right booth for a worrying young boy.」


Sharis pulled the hand of Lux whose mouth was gaping open in puzzlement and she started walking away.

Like that Lux entered into the crowd along with the Triad.

Part 8

「This is sudden but please give us a fortune reading. This boy is today’s customer.」

After joining a queue for a bit, they stepped inside a classroom booth that had a plank with『Fortune-Telling Mansion』written on it.

Lux had a recollection of the girl who was sitting in front of the table with a spherical crystal put on it.

It was a girl whose mouth was hidden by fabric, wearing a strange outfit of a foreign country with a high degree of exposure.

As expected he wouldn’t fail to recognize that figure who had the particular trait of dark brown skin and a tattoo.

「Oh, I feel like I have seen you from somewhere desu. Heh? Who could you be──ouch-!?」

When the hat wearing girl standing beside that girl muttered so, a fist dug onto her back.

The hat wearing girl straightened her back in panic and began her『interpreter』work.

「I, it’s a joke desu!? I didn’t forget desu! Hello Lux Arcadia-sama. This is Turkimes Confederation’s representative for the Seven Dragon Paladins──the shy and reticent Soffice, and her aide Uruk desu.」

Lux also returned an awkward greeting to the girl who was talking with a peculiar tone.


The style of the two was basically the same as in the summit before, where the big sister Soffice didn’t talk at all, while her little sister Uruk aided her by speaking in her place.

「But, why are you two here? To suddenly participate in a booth of the Academy──」

Soffice and Uruk originally should be visitors, but for some reason they were participating in a booth at this Campus Festival.

When Lux tilted his head in puzzlement, Sharis taught him the answer.

「Originally this should be a place for a certain student to do fortune telling, but the other place was a bit lacking in helpers you see. It seemed that student then entrusted this booth to these two who were coincidently there as customers.」

「No matter what, that’s just too irresponsible isn’t it……?」

Lux whispered half dumbfounded, but in front of him Soffice shook her head left and right.

「You’re wrong desu, Lux-sama. From the beginning Soffice is good with fortune telling, so she was entrusted with this booth by her own will──that’s what she said desu.」

The little sister Uruk explained proudly. Soffice also nodded up and down in response.

「That’s right desu. Then in this rare chance, as commemoration, Soffice will exhibit one of the fortune-telling methods that is her forte, the secret technique『Nude Fortune-Telling』desu──gehaah!?」

Soffice who was angry with red cheeks hit Uruk’s head hard.

With the large spherical crystal that seemed to be the fortune-telling tool.

「M, my apologies, don’t fool around too much……that’s what Soffice said desu.」

「Ah, I somehow understand that even without getting told……」

After Lux retorted like that to Uruk who carried out the role of speaking as a proxy, Soffice pulled herself together and started the fortune-telling.

After Lux sat down in front of her, Soffice prepared an unfamiliar card set and then asked several questions.

Of course, Soffice wasn’t making any voice, so it was her little sister Uruk who was asking.

Soffice took Lux’s hand, touched it all over, then she stared straight at Lux.

「What is your worry desu? Whether it’s battle or romance, asking anything is fine desu.」

Lux took a deep breath, then after thinking slightly, he spoke.

About his feeling to a certain girl that he couldn’t notice by himself.

「That, I might be hated by a certain senpai who is someone important to me, if possible I want to reconcile with her──」

Immediately after that, right behind──a faint presence was moving outside the classroom.

But, Lux who was concentrating on the fortune-teller in front of him didn’t notice that.

「I see, then let’s tell your fortune in regards to that. Whether your wish will come true or not──」

After shuffling the card set, Soffice made Lux to choose several of the cards along with an incantation gesture, then she turned the cards over.

When those cards were lined up, the result immediately came out.

Part 9

「Just what in the world am I doing……?」

When Lux was receiving a fortune-telling, Celis heard his question from outside the classroom.

It wasn’t a coincidence, even after the second day of the Campus Festival started, Celis had been watching over Lux all this time from hiding in order to help him out.

When she met Lux face to face, she would avert her gaze from him completely due to a reason that even she herself didn’t understand.

Furthermore because of the arrangement where she had to kiss Lux, her inexplicable condition that even resembled a sickness was worsening.

The beating of her heart was throbbing very violently. She couldn’t calm down and strength left her.

She became unable to regulate herself like before.

But even after her condition was turning like that, she didn’t want to run away.

She didn’t want to throw away the mission of supporting and protecting him.

Thus, she didn’t show herself in front of Lux and intended to act so at least she could become his strength from the shadows, and yet──

「……Something like this is the first time.」

Until just slightly a while ago, there would be no problem if she didn’t face Lux from nearby.

But, today, even when she was observing Lux from hiding, she couldn’t calm down when seeing other girls acting playful with him cheerfully.

「Wade-sensei. Just what is happening to me……?」

Her private tutor who gave the young her guidance and built a firm foundation within her.

Celis muttered the name of the man who was also Lux’s grandfather.

His instruction manual wasn’t only filled with the writing of the ways to train the body, but also the heart, but even after following that, the throbbing of her heart couldn’t be suppressed.

「I am here in order to become a reliable strength for him as a senpai. And yet, at this rate──……-!?」

Celis’s expression that looked somewhat like she was having a fever from a nightmare instantly switched into a serious look.

She felt something like a gaze from the forest near the back of the Academy, the outer wall with no sign of human presence.


Her hand touched the handle of her Sword Device, then she put her breathing in order and peeked at the situation.

A thin man with high stature who seemed to be past middle-age was observing the students from afar.

She didn’t have any recollection of such a man from recently, but that back figure somehow felt nostalgic to her.

But, that man’s conduct was obviously different from a normal visitor.

(……I have no time to call others.)

Celis was staring still at the man to not miss even a moment of his movement.

But, she wondered why.

The more she looked, the more she felt caught by a strange sensation that felt nostalgic.

Suddenly that man turned towards her. At that moment, Celis’s time stopped.

「……It has been a long time, Celis. You aren’t listening to what I say again……no, you are listening too much that you act rashly perhaps.」

The refined voice that possessed depth, and the hair color that was tinged with grey.

「You, how could this……」

Celis went speechless after muttering that. Her eyes were wide open.

Her former teacher who once gave her guidance, and who died in prison due to his admonition to the Old Empire that he said because of the words she told him, the grandfather of Lux, Wade Roadvelt was standing there.

Part 10

「I will look for Celis-senpai.」

Until now he was waiting for Celis to come, but after hearing from Sharis that she was protecting Lux while hiding herself, he couldn’t just sit still.

「I’ll root for you Lux-kun. Take care of Celis.」


After replying like that to Sharis of the Triad, Lux hurriedly exited the Fortune-Telling Mansion.

And then, he heard from Tillfur and Noct about the direction that seemed to be where Celis had ran away to and he started running.

「Cheeh……it feels like a wasted effort. It must be that, right? In the end Celis-senpai is unable to look at Lux’s face because of that kinda reason anyway, right?」

「Yes. Most likely, but──」

Tillfur grumbled after Lux left, with Noct giving her a vague response.

「That way of talking is no good you two. Even though it’s completely obvious for us who are watching from the side, but for the people involved themselves, it’s a really serious problem for them.」

Sharis concluded like that, but Tillfur only puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

「Yes. Tillfur is also not in the position to speak about others.」

「Haaah!? What are you saying, so suddenly!? It’s not like I’m thinking about Lux-chi that──」

「No one was mentioning Lux-kun though.」

Sharis retorted like that to the flustered Tillfur while looking at the table.

The hint from the fortune-telling according to Uruk was a combination of sun and moon.

It hinted to a close relationship that wouldn’t intersect just by staying as they were.

On the other hand, Lux who was searching around inside the Academy’s ground finally found Celis’s figure.

But, her condition seemed strange.

She was only standing still without any movement while facing the tall man in front of her.

「So you were, alive……Wade-sensei!? Bu, but, why are you here──」

「What’s the matter? Didn’t you have something that you wanted to ask me? If it’s the hardworking and studious you, then you will surely be able to learn it right away.」

The two were making such conversation.

(Wade……? The name of my dead grandfather, why──)

An uncomfortable feeling rose inside Lux hearing that name. It took away his awareness for a few moments.

But right after that, he noticed the true identity of the killing intent that was aiming at Celis and he reacted.

「──Watch out-!」

Lux kicked the ground sharply while calling out at the same time.

「Lux!? Why are you here──!?」

On the other hand, Celis who was called out also held her breath in realization.

There was an EX Drake that was hiding its figure using the camouflage function.

The aim of that cannon muzzle that was filled with attack readiness already locked on Celis who was standing still in surprise.

Without even any time to think about the true identity of the Drag-Knight that he had a slight recognition of, Lux ran in order to cover for Celis.

Right after that, the torrent of shockwave that were fired from the Cannon blew away a part of the ground.


Their bodies floated with a sensation of their body weight vanishing.

‘Damn it!’ His consciousness was getting farther without any time to even regret.

The last thing he saw was a man other than Wade.

It was a short statured assassin. His whole face was filled with an ugly smile.

The low scale destruction that ocured in the outskirts of the Academy.

Lux and Celis were taken away from that place without anyone noticing.

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