Squealer Shin Sekai Yori

squealer shin sekai yori

My Name is Squealer

Last time I talked about the characters in Shinsekai Yori, I jokingly mentioned that Squealer, “the little rat dude,” had become my favorite character in the series. But my remark was also a critique, pointing out that if a random side character, especially a non-human one, was more interesting than the main human cast, then the show needed to improve its characterization.

At first, I thought Squealer was just a curious fellow, but as the series progressed, it became clear that this character was more than meets the eye. Squealer is, without a doubt, the best character in the show. He is both the greatest villain and the greatest hero, a proud warrior, and a brilliant strategist fighting for a noble cause. He is multifaceted, more human than any of the human characters. We witness the horrific things he has done, yet we sympathize with him because of the injustices he and the queerats have endured. In Shinsekai Yori, there is no right or wrong side, only shades of gray. Squealer represents the complexities of this world.

we are human

Squealer sets himself apart with his cunning and charisma, traits not typically associated with a queerat. He has the ability to convince others to fight for him, even if his motives seem questionable. He manipulates both humans and queerats alike, showcasing his ruthlessness to achieve victory. His constant pursuit of his goal, to be recognized as a human, is fascinating. He rejects the “old way” and strives for a more autonomous society, one like the humans. He fights against the oppressive construct that views queerats as inferior, revealing that they were once humans themselves, transformed physically and mentally. This fight for humanization is both poignant and literal.

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However, Squealer’s ultimate defeat and the inability to bring permanent positive change to the queerats is heart-wrenching. In his trial, he stands naked and judged, pleading to be treated as an equal. His pleas are met with ridicule from his oppressors, denying him even the chance for martyrdom. Justice may have been served, but it feels incomplete.

Squealer at his trial was Squealer at his most human, proving himself more human than those who judged him.
