Konosuba 2 Episode 10: Aqua’s Moment of Glory

konosuba 2 episode 10

I’m finally here. The last episode of Season 2 of Konosuba. It was such a blast to be with this gang of dorks and witness their hilarious adventures, misfortunes, mess-ups, and overall strangeness in their attempt to survive in this world. Well, mostly Kazuma’s attempt to survive anyway. In this final review, I’ll share my thoughts on the season as a whole.

Crazy Chase for the Impostor

The town is still seeking the “impostor” as our gang flees the inn, with the townsfolk in hot pursuit. Aqua believes that the water source is the problem affecting the hot springs. She thinks that if she can purify it, the springs will return to normal. Of course, she still wants to help her followers, so they all give chase through town. Eventually, they reach the main water source area, but their way is barred by an overseer who has prohibited anyone from entering, including arch-priests like Aqua. Desperate to gain entry, Aqua tries various tactics, even claiming to have spread terrible things about the Axis Church throughout town. However, her efforts backfire, as the guards recognize her as the troublemaker with blue hair. It’s then that Kazuma steps in and uses Darkness’s abilities to charm the guards. With their help, they finally gain access to the water source, only to find that it is already contaminated and poisoned black.


The Truth About Hans

To their surprise, they encounter the detergent guy, Hans, who Kazuma previously encountered and who went insane due to the mischief caused by Axis Church members. It turns out that Hans is the one responsible for poisoning the water. Wiz recognizes him and reveals that he is a Deadly Poison Slime mutant named Hans. As Wiz starts to explain more about him, Hans tries to leave, but Kazuma and the girls won’t let him. Instead, he turns his attention to Wiz, whom he sees as opposing him. It is revealed that Wiz was once an arch-wizard. As Aqua becomes furious at being blamed by Hans, Kazuma decides to fight him in Wiz’s place, wielding his trusty partner, Chunchunmaru. However, there’s one problem – Kazuma believed slimes were the weakest monsters, but he soon discovers that Hans is one of the Devil King’s leaders and can cause serious harm. Hans can not only withstand physical attacks, but can also melt or smother anyone he touches. Moreover, since Hans is affecting the hot springs, touching him means instant death. Fortunately, Aqua can resurrect Kazuma, but only if Hans doesn’t digest his entire body.

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Aqua’s Moment of Glory

As the battle ensues, Kazuma realizes how dangerous Hans has become, so he decides to distract him and lead him away from the others. Meanwhile, the townsfolk are still after Aqua and have followed them to the water source. Megumin suggests giving up on them, but Aqua refuses and decides to confront Hans herself. The gang, realizing things will only get worse, decides to follow her lead. Upon their return, Hans reveals his plan to be done with both the hot springs and the town. Wiz, enraged by his actions, uses her magic to freeze his hand. This angers Hans, causing him to break free and transform into his true form.

Kazuma's Sacrifice

Hans spreads poison everywhere, even contaminating the water source. Aqua does her best to purify it, but the poison burns her. However, the townsfolk witness her efforts and start to recognize her as the real deal. They cheer her on and even try to help by throwing soap and detergent at Hans. Unfortunately, they only get in the way, and even Darkness’s attempts to protect Aqua are met with hostility. The gang struggles to come up with a plan to defeat Hans. Megumin’s Explosion Magic is not an option, as it would create a poisonous mess. Wiz’s freezing magic is also not effective against Hans in his current form. Eventually, they realize that they need to make Hans smaller in order to defeat him. Kazuma notices that the overseer’s body, although now a skeleton, has not been fully digested. This sparks an idea – if Aqua can relieve someone who hasn’t been digested, it might provide a solution. With everyone’s help, Kazuma lures Hans away from Aqua and sacrifices himself to allow the others to defeat Hans.

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Aqua's God Requiem

Aqua confronts Hans, and the town begins a chant to support her. She delivers a powerful blow, but Hans tries to take over her right arm. However, with the support of her faithful followers, Aqua uses “God Requiem” to vanquish Hans once and for all. The battle is finally over, but there is an unexpected consequence – Aqua’s God Requiem turns all the hot springs into simple hot water, fulfilling Hans’s goal. The townsfolk now despise our gang and refuse to help them return home, forcing them to make the journey back on foot. However, upon their return to Axel, they receive a warm welcome. YunYun is still waiting for Megumin to accept her challenge, and as they prepare to fight, the gang finally returns to their cozy mansion. Kazuma is ready to embrace the ups and downs of this unfair yet wonderful world.

Aqua’s Redemption

This final episode of Konosuba Season 2 was absolutely awesome. I must admit that I did not expect Hans to be the final boss, but he brought plenty of fun to the story with his madness caused by the town’s antics. However, the highlight of this episode and the season as a whole was watching Aqua finally have her moment of glory.

Normally, Aqua is the most annoying character on the show, and for good reason. She often gloats, has a bad personality, and fails at being a proper goddess. But in this episode, she truly shines. It’s amazing what Aqua can accomplish when she puts her mind to it. Despite the unfavorable outcome, she genuinely wanted to help her followers and followed through with her actions. This time around, I’ll give her all the credit she deserves. Furthermore, it was great to see Wiz step up and contribute as well. She doesn’t get much screen time, and usually bad things happen to her (usually because of Aqua) or she becomes reduced to her physical features. Thus, it was a pleasant surprise to witness her anger and her ability to make a difference. As for Kazuma, he showed his cleverness by coming up with a plan that ultimately sacrificed himself. Credit is due to him for making it work.

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Overall, this final episode was a fun way to conclude the season. As for the entire season, it was just as good as the first. Despite some complaints about the animation, Studio DEEN did an excellent job of highlighting the characters and their unique qualities. The animation may not have been perfect, but it managed to capture the essence of the characters, their expressions, and their reactions. The beautifully designed towns and landscapes added to the visual appeal. The comedy was consistently entertaining, and I believe Konosuba Season 2 will be a strong contender for Best Comedy Anime of the Year.

Now, I must confess that while Konosuba was fantastic, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid deserves the top spot for Winter 2017 anime. Nevertheless, Konosuba was still an incredibly entertaining and wild ride. Here’s hoping for a Season 3 in the future. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did.

Konosuba is produced by Studio DEEN. The anime has not been licensed by any US anime licensors. Both seasons of Konosuba can be seen on Chrunchyroll.