Sakamoto Desu Ga Episode 8: Unveiling the Dark Secrets

sakamoto desu ga episode 8

Although I try to avoid spoilers, it’s hard to do so with this particular episode. So brace yourselves, my fellow manga enthusiasts, because there are some serious SPOILERS ahead!

The School Culture Festival: A Time to Break the Norms

It’s that time of year again – the school culture festival! Sakamoto and his classmates, being first-years, are tasked with creating displays for the festival. The theme? Paranormal stuff. With only balloons at their disposal, Sakamoto’s classmates lack motivation to make their displays stand out. However, Sakamoto, as always, manages to ensure everyone has a good time. Well, everyone except for two sulking students who go off on their own.

Festivals, the one time that the status quo can be ignored.

Enter Fukase, the Mysterious Manipulator

Meanwhile, a mysterious older man named Fukase appears on the school grounds. After conversing with Hayabusa and his gang, Fukase sets his sights on Sakamoto and decides to make him his “target.” Seeing the sulking boys from Sakamoto’s class, Fukase sees an opportunity and decides to manipulate them as pawns in his twisted game.

Fukase is sleazy as hell.

A False Accusation and a Swift Comeback

The following day, Sakamoto’s classmates arrive at school only to find their displays slashed and wanted posters scattered around, accusing Sakamoto of being the culprit. With a hefty reward on his head, Sakamoto becomes the target of the entire school and is forced to go into hiding. Eventually, Fukase finds Sakamoto, leading him to a confrontation with the other students. However, Hayabusa and his gang come to Sakamoto’s aid, busting him out of trouble. In a hidden hideout, Hayabusa reveals the true identity of Fukase to Sakamoto. Realizing Fukase’s twisted plan, Sakamoto rushes back to his classroom.

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This is probably the most trouble Sakamoto has ever gotten in.

The Genius of Sakamoto Shines Through

Despite his actions, Sakamoto is met with coldness from his classmates. However, with quick thinking, Sakamoto manages to regain their trust and expose the real culprits.


My Take on the Episode: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

Sakamoto desu ga? continues to surprise me with each episode. This particular episode, which I hadn’t read in the manga, left me amazed. It’s safe to say that this is one of the best episodes thus far.

One of the reasons why this episode stands out is that Sakamoto, for the first time, faces a rival who comes close to defeating him. Without Hayabusa’s intervention, things would have taken a turn for the worse. Can we take a moment to acknowledge how terrifying Fukase is? He’s one of the most despicable antagonists I’ve come across in anime, which is quite a statement considering the overall comedic nature of this series. He even ruined Hayabusa’s face! Moreover, the psychological manipulation of high school teenagers by a middle-aged man is deeply unsettling. Fukase certainly outshines Akira from Tsuritama in terms of creepiness.

Sakamoto’s response to the situation was nothing short of genius. He quickly understands Fukase’s plan and devises a strategy to expose the culprits without compromising his own dignity. Sakamoto’s resourcefulness is what makes this series so enjoyable to watch.

Overall, this episode was great, offering a darker and more intense tone compared to previous episodes, thanks to the presence of the terrifying Fukase. It was also a treat to see cameos from Sakamoto’s classmates.

Out of five, I would give this episode:

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After Sakamoto, Hayabusa has become my favorite character in this series.

Remember, dear fellow manga lovers, that life is full of surprises and challenges. Just like Sakamoto, let’s face them head-on, armed with grace and a touch of genius.
