Dororo Manga: A Satisfying and Poignant Ending

dororo manga ending

Rarely have I felt such trepidation going into the ending of a great manga series. Dororo has captured the hearts of many fans, and anticipation was high for a fitting conclusion. As the final episode approached, doubts loomed in the air, fueled by questionable editorial decisions in the second cour. There was a genuine concern that MAPPA and Tezuka Productions, along with Furuhashi and Kobayashi, could ruin this beloved story. Thankfully, those fears were unfounded, and the ending we received was aligned with the narrative’s suggested direction.

The ending of Dororo was not necessarily a happy one, but it was a hopeful one. It stayed true to the series’ tragedy with a touch of optimism. Although the toll of past actions could not be avoided, it was evident that characters like Nui and Tahoumaru met their fates. Nui, in particular, acknowledged her mistakes before potentially perishing in the ruins of her husband’s castle. Tahoumaru’s demise was almost expected, considering his pursuit of power and his resentment towards Hyakkimaru. His desire for Nui’s love pushed him further down a path paved with darkness.

Hyakkimaru, on the other hand, was never one to be blamed for his actions. Despite the constant fear of succumbing to demonic influence, he never actively chose to become a demon. In contrast, Tahoumaru embraced demonic powers to fulfill his father’s contract. It was intriguing to see that Tahoumaru seemed to be missing something around where his heart should be, possibly a consequence of his choices or an inherent trait. Hyakkimaru’s decision to spare Tahoumaru in the end was not surprising, as he never truly possessed the capacity for vengeance. It raises the question of whether Tahoumaru would have made the same choice had their roles been reversed.

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To create the necessary impact for Daigo’s character, it was crucial for Nui and Tahoumaru to seemingly meet their ends. Dororo’s judgment of Daigo was less harsh than deserved, but this approach aligned with my own perspective. The encounter between Hyakkimaru and Daigo in the Hall of Hell was the most powerful moment of the episode. It showcased Hyakkimaru’s compassion towards the man who, in many ways, had ruined his life. Daigo’s actions had consequences, and he had to live with the knowledge of the immense loss he had inflicted upon himself.

Jukai’s death was difficult to accept, as he still had much to offer the world. However, it is likely that Jukai felt his crime warranted an earlier death as a form of punishment. He fulfilled his purpose in life by helping Hyakkimaru and acknowledging his humanity, giving him the push he needed to continue living.

It was expected that Hyakkimaru and Dororo would eventually separate, at least temporarily. Hyakkimaru’s chosen path mirrored Biwamaru’s, and he needed time alone to come to terms with what he had experienced and who he had become. Dororo’s future, on the other hand, revolved around using her newfound wealth to honor her parents’ memory. It was clear that their paths would converge once again, but what lies ahead for them remains open to interpretation.

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Overall, the conclusion of Dororo was incredibly satisfying and far better than anticipated. The series has undergone various adaptations, each offering a different perspective on how the story should end. In the end, the anime did justice to both Hyakkimaru’s character and the overall narrative. It was the love and support of two individuals, Jukai and Dororo, that ultimately redeemed Hyakkimaru. Jukai’s presence allowed him to understand the nature of love, while Dororo taught him how to be truly human. Without them, his physical transformation would have been meaningless.

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Dororo stands out as a unique and poetic series, reminiscent of the legendary Seirei no Moribito. It possesses a depth and artistry that is rare in the world of anime. While it may not reach the same transcendent status as Moribito, Dororo remains a remarkable series. It deviates from traditional anime tropes, offering a simple yet profound storytelling experience. With its exceptional cast and captivating narrative, Dororo stands as a unicorn in the realm of 2019 anime.

No other series has resonated with me quite like Dororo. It is a story told purely for the sake of storytelling, and for that, I will always be grateful.


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