High School Manga: A Phenomenon that Will Keep You Hooked!

high school manga

Are you ready to dive into a whole new world filled with captivating stories, vibrant artwork, and unforgettable characters? Look no further than high school manga – a genre that has taken the world by storm, especially among students. In fact, according to a recent survey by SLJ, over 90% of school libraries have seen a surge in the popularity of graphic novels, with manga making up a staggering 43% of high school graphic novel purchases.

A Powerful Educational Tool

Despite facing opposition from some adults who question the legitimacy of graphic novels as “real books,” educators are harnessing their potential to engage students, particularly those who struggle with reading and English language learners. School librarians reported that 59% of teachers, parents, and others have expressed their reservations about graphic novels. However, this hasn’t deterred students’ passion for the medium.

One elementary school librarian from North Carolina shared, “Book challenges have had no effect on our graphic novel collection. There is a huge demand from our students, and our collection continues to grow every year.”

A Growing Trend

The survey conducted by SLJ revealed that 91% of school librarians and 83% of public librarians have dedicated sections for graphic novels, making them easily accessible to students. Furthermore, 40% of school libraries and 26% of public libraries reported that their graphic novel readers exclusively read in this format. This has led librarians to recommend graphic novels to struggling readers, with 90% of public librarians and 83% of school librarians suggesting them to students who have difficulty with reading. A remarkable 57% of public librarians and 69% of school librarians also recommend graphic novels to English language learners.

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Graphic Novels, Manga Explode in Popularity Among Students | SLJ Survey

“For many children, graphic novels are the starting point for their love of reading. The combination of smaller spaces for words and lots of pictures makes it more accessible,” shared a Vermont public librarian.

The Genre Preferences

While graphic adaptations of novels and humor books are more common in school libraries, manga, superhero stories, and graphic memoirs dominate middle and high school libraries. It’s no surprise that younger kids prefer humor, while teenagers lean towards manga. According to the survey, the top manga series among students are “Naruto,” “My Hero Academia,” “Demon Slayer,” “Pokémon,” and “Dragon Ball Z.” Librarians are responding to the growing demand by organizing programming such as graphic novel or manga clubs, “make your own graphic novel” projects, and even “con” or cosplay activities.

Overcoming Challenges

Although the popularity of manga is unquestionable, challenges and objections still exist. In elementary schools, 68% of librarians faced opposition from those who believed that graphic novels aren’t “real books.” Julianne Ninteman, a middle school librarian in Minnesota, explained that adults often discourage students from reading graphic novels or even forbid them, claiming that they are not suitable for class credit.

While 74% of public libraries and 59% of school libraries haven’t taken any steps to avoid graphic novel challenges, some schools have stopped purchasing controversial titles, and a few high schools have removed books such as “Fun Home” and “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Librarians have become more cautious in their selections, reviewing books meticulously and addressing concerns such as nudity.

Graphic Novels, Manga Explode in Popularity Among Students | SLJ Survey

The Importance of Selection

Librarians acknowledge the need for better support in selecting age-appropriate titles, especially when it comes to manga. While 13% of librarians felt very confident in their choices and relied on their own knowledge and research, 49% rated themselves as somewhat confident, and 38% admitted that they weren’t too confident. Reviews, recommendations, and student feedback play a significant role in their decision-making process.

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Susan Farnum, an Illinois public librarian, expressed the challenge of finding age-appropriate manga for elementary and younger middle schoolers. She emphasized the importance of content warnings to ensure the suitability of the material for different age groups.

The Joy of Reading

Despite the challenges, librarians understand the impact of graphic novels, especially manga, on students’ reading habits. The opportunity to nurture a love for reading among students is worth the effort. Even reluctant parents are pleased to see their children immersed in books.

So, are you ready to embark on an exciting journey through the pages of high school manga? Head over to Fecomic to explore an array of captivating stories and discover why manga has become a phenomenon that keeps readers hooked. Prepare to be amazed and join the ever-growing community of manga enthusiasts.