Sweat And Soap Anime: A Heart-Warming Romance Worth Reading

sweat and soap anime

Spoilers through volume 5 of Sweat and Soap

As a thirty-something in a long-term committed relationship, I crave a refreshing romance manga that captures the early stages of falling in love. Unfortunately, many romanticized relationships in manga tend to be toxic, leaving me unsatisfied. That’s why I was hesitant when people recommended Sweat and Soap by Kintetsu Yamada to me. A manga about a sweaty office worker and a man with a body odor fetish didn’t sound like my cup of tea. But, boy, was I wrong! Sweat and Soap exceeded my expectations and delivered a heart-warming and nourishing love story. In a sea of toxic relationships and uncomfortable dynamics, this manga takes a fetishistic premise and transforms it into a tale of personal growth and a healthy relationship.

A Refreshing Relationship in Romance Manga

Natori and Asako’s relationship stands out in the romance manga genre. Unlike other stories driven by interpersonal drama, Sweat and Soap showcases how two individuals starting a relationship can navigate the challenges together. Asako, an office worker with an intense sweating condition, meets Natori, a product designer with a keen sense of smell. Their relationship blossoms from a handful of miscommunications, and by the end of the first manga, they are dating. Instead of treating their union as the end of the story, Sweat and Soap emphasizes that “getting together” is just the beginning of an exciting journey.

Healthy Communication and Friendships

Many romance manga introduce rival love interests, often leading to possessiveness and abusive behaviors. Sweat and Soap takes a different approach. When Asako discovers that Natori’s protégé, Ichise, is in love with him, she doesn’t forbid them from seeing each other. Instead, she encourages their friendship and sets reasonable boundaries. Natori respects Asako’s wishes, fostering a strong relationship between the two women without any toxicity or violence. They address their jealousy directly and restructure boundaries based on their mutual needs.

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Good Communication: A Rarity in Romance Manga

Miscommunication runs rampant in romance manga, creating entertaining plot points. However, it’s refreshing to read about characters who excel at communicating with each other. Natori and Asako start their relationship as a secret, and Natori respects Asako’s desire to keep it that way. When he’s ready to go public, he approaches her straightforwardly, and she responds positively. Their excellent communication extends to mundane activities like shopping for an apartment. They create a “vision board” to envision their future home, showcasing their love for each other in seemingly ordinary moments.

Consent and Check-Ins that Make Your Heart Flutter

Sweat and Soap defies the prevalence of overly flirtatious and aggressive male protagonists in shounen manga. Although the initial volume portrays Natori as aggressively sniffing Asako upon meeting her, this behavior quickly fades away. The manga emphasizes good verbal and non-verbal check-ins and consent throughout the series. For example, when Asako seems nervous during their first intimate encounter, Natori checks in with her, respecting her boundaries. Later on, Asako notices Natori spacing out, prompting her to verbally check if he’s engaged before continuing. These small moments of affection, accompanied by clear communication, create a heart-fluttering reading experience.

Growth as Individuals and a Couple

Asako and Natori’s relationship is not static or perfect. It serves as a vehicle for both characters to grow as individuals and become healthier and happier individuals. At the beginning of the manga, Asako is insecure, reluctant to ask Natori to make space for her and meet her needs. However, Natori’s receptiveness to her needs allows Asako to find her voice and assert her needs. Natori, too, has room for growth, having experienced failed relationships in the past. Opening up about his mother’s blindness, he discovers that Asako accepts and embraces his family without judgment, fostering a stronger sense of security in their relationship.

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Wholesomeness that Transcends Fetishes

Though Sweat and Soap revolves around a smell fetish, the warmth and love packed into the story overshadow this niche aspect. The manga stands out in the romance genre, where toxic relationships and uncomfortable dynamics are prevalent. It challenges these tropes, presenting two characters falling in love and navigating their relationship healthily. Beyond personal preferences, Sweat and Soap demonstrates how a healthy relationship can drive an interesting story that keeps readers engaged. If you’re open to exploring olfactophilia within the context of a heart-warming romance, I recommend picking up Sweat and Soap for an enjoyable read.
