Tokyo Ghoul Re Ch 67: An Unforgettable Chapter

tokyo ghoul re ch 67

Welcome back, manga lovers! Today, we have an exciting chapter of Tokyo Ghoul Re to discuss. This chapter is filled with intense action, unexpected twists, and heartbreaking moments. So, grab your favorite snack and get ready to dive into the thrilling world of Tokyo Ghoul Re!

The Battle Begins

Our chapter starts with the CCG investigators arriving on Rue Island, ready to face the ghouls head-on. Unfortunately, the ghouls are relentless, swiftly attacking and killing several investigators. Among them is a mysterious ghoul wearing a mask, possibly Miza, who commands another ghoul to attack the doves that have landed on the shore. The battle has begun!

The CCG Strikes Back

Just when it seems like the ghouls have the upper hand, the CCG investigators retaliate with powerful quinque attacks. Houji, one of the investigators, fires a blast that strikes down several ghouls. However, the ghouls aren’t backing down. They continue their relentless assault, only to be met by Ui, who stabs them with precision. The CCG is determined to reclaim the island from the ghouls.

Juuzou Takes Charge

Amidst the chaos, Juuzou’s squad takes charge, fighting off the ghouls while Juuzou himself gives orders. Juuzou identifies Miza as the possible leader of the ghouls. The CCG intensifies its attack, pushing forward to cleanse the beach. Higher-ranking officials such as Matsuri and Marude strategize behind the scenes, ensuring the troops’ progress.

Kaneki’s Imprisonment

In the midst of the battle, we catch a glimpse of Kaneki, who is now a prisoner. We see him walking alongside prison guards, his eyes bandaged and bloodied. Kaneki’s tormented past is revisited as he remembers his defeat by Arima. Locked in a solitary cell, he expresses his despair and longing for freedom. Arima, against orders, enters Kaneki’s room and delivers a book, sparking a glimmer of hope.

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The Birth of Haise

Arima shares with Kaneki that he has been designated as an investigator and needs a name. Kaneki is given the opportunity to choose his own name, selecting kanji characters from “coffee” and “world.” Together, they become “Haise.” This significant moment marks the birth of a new persona and Kaneki expresses his gratitude to Arima.

The Present

Back in the present, Arima passes by Kaneki, entrusting him with the center’s responsibilities. Kaneki retreats to a locker room, overcome with emotions. He gathers himself, determined to fulfill his duties. Meanwhile, Ayato, Banjou, and other ghouls contemplate their plan to infiltrate Cochlea, the ghoul prison. However, their efforts are interrupted by alarm bells, signaling imminent danger.

Prepare for Battle

As the alarm bells continue to ring, an announcement warns the investigators inside cells 0 and 1 to prepare for battle. Kaneki removes his glasses, cracking his fingers in anticipation. The stage is set for an epic showdown between ghouls and investigators.


What an intense chapter! Tokyo Ghoul Re continues to captivate us with its intricate storytelling and breathtaking artwork. As we eagerly await the next chapter, don’t forget to visit Fecomic, your ultimate destination for all things manga and anime.

Stay tuned for more updates and be prepared for the shocking twists that lie ahead. Until next time, my fellow manga enthusiasts!
