Top Ten Animes 2014

top ten animes 2014

I had to rack my brain to come up with a top 10 list this year. I must admit, last year was a breeze—I ended up expanding my list to twelve shows because I couldn’t choose just ten. But this year, the anime selection wasn’t as strong as 2013. However, that doesn’t mean there weren’t any gems in 2014. Although there are a few notable absences like “Kill la Kill,” “Space Dandy,” and “Nozaki-kun,” I’m only going to talk about the shows that really caught my attention. So, let’s dive in!

10. Witch Craft Works

Witch Craft Works

Let’s start with something silly and ridiculous. Every season, I look for a giddy piece of comfort food, and this year, that honor goes to “Which Craft Works.” The plot makes little sense, but that’s not the point. This show is about dumb witches getting blown up, an MC constantly flailing around and being kidnapped by badass witches. The fight scenes and comedic direction are surprisingly effective. Directed by the mastermind behind “Girls und Panzer” and “Shirobako,” “Witch Craft Works” might not be a weighty show, but it’s a damn good time!

9. Rage of Bahamut: Genesis

Rage of Bahamut

When “Rage of Bahamut” first aired, it seemed like another action-adventure classic in the making. The animation, world-building, and lively cast promised a thrilling ride. Although the second half couldn’t match the intensity of the first, it’s still a fun and fine show overall. The ending is particularly stellar, making up for the slight dip in quality. “Rage of Bahamut” may not be the anime equivalent of “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” but it’s definitely up there with the best.

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8. Barakamon


“Barakamon” strikes a perfect balance between Yotsuba-like slice of life and sharp Art Instinct critique. The cast is endearing, the production excellent, and the jokes are integrated seamlessly with the characters and their world. Handa, one of the best characters of the year, resonates with anyone who has obsessed over their art. And Naru, a bundle of joy and good times, steals every scene she’s in. “Barakamon” is a coming-of-age story filled with small insights and lovely friendships. It’s a warm little show that hits all the right notes.

7. Samurai Flamenco

Samurai Flamenco

“Samurai Flamenco” can only be described as messy. It jumps between grounded drama, wacky comedy, and even super sentai antics. This show is a rollercoaster ride that you have to experience yourself. Its great grasp of character, self-effacing humor, and unwavering belief in heroes make it worth the watch. Yes, the production can be a bit chaotic, but if you embrace the show’s genre-hopping nature, you’ll enjoy the wild ride. “Samurai Flamenco” is greater than the sum of its parts.

6. Mushishi Zoku Shou


More “Mushishi,” anyone? This second season lives up to the legacy of its predecessor. “Mushishi” is like classic fairy tales, with all their harshness and ambiguity, written for adults. Its world-building is majestic, offering reflections on loss, obsession, and family. The carefully chosen music and beautiful backgrounds add to the overall atmosphere of the show. While it didn’t resonate with me as much as other shows on this list, “Mushishi” is undeniably impressive. It’s an instant classic that showcases the true potential of anime.

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5. Sekai Seifuku

Sekai Seifuku

Let’s talk about what anime can do. “Sekai Seifuku” follows a tiny girl in a skimpy outfit attempting to take over the world and surprisingly succeeds. This show is remarkably sensitive and sharply written, with surreal jokes that hit the mark. Beyond the humor, “Sekai Seifuku” explores childhood perspectives and the families we choose. Its emotional resonance is solid, even if the narrative plotting is a bit thin. Overall, “Sekai Seifuku” is a surprisingly excellent show with unexpected depth.

4. Terror in Resonance

Zankyou no Terror

“Terror in Resonance” might have had its share of grumbling, but its strengths are undeniable. Visually stunning and with an iconic soundtrack, the show offers more than just eye candy. Its ideas and reflections on adolescence, society, and generational conflict make it stand out. At its core, “Terror in Resonance” is a story about the hopeless optimism of teenagers and the power of youth. It’s a beautiful production that sells an inspiring hope.

3. Hanamonogatari


“Monogatari” keeps getting better. “Hanamonogatari” is a prime example of the show hitting its stride. The aesthetics are as pretty and purposeful as ever, the storytelling sharp, and the characters leap off the screen. It’s a coming-of-age story, a love story, and a eulogy all in one. “Monogatari” is an absolute gift that keeps on giving.

2. Ping Pong the Animation

Ping Pong

“Goddamn” is all I can say about “Ping Pong.” This show is a masterpiece. Its wild yet controlled visual style perfectly complements the story. The writing is exceptional, and the characters are fully developed. From exciting matches to emotional setpieces, “Ping Pong” constantly surprises with its visual tricks and gripping storytelling. It’s a show about finding joy in competition and the kind of love that empowers us. “Ping Pong” is near perfection, a timeless show that will be remembered for years to come.

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1. Hunter x Hunter 2011

Hunter x Hunter

“Hunter x Hunter” deserves a lifetime achievement award. For four years, it consistently dazzled with great pacing, dynamic storytelling, and top-notch adventure. The last arc, the Chimera Ant arc, took “Hunter x Hunter” to new heights. It moved beyond being a great adventure story and became an incredible exploration of what it means to be human. With its examination of adolescence, modern society, and generational conflict, “Hunter x Hunter” touched me in ways no other show could. It’s sad to see it end, but the parting gift it left us is truly remarkable.

As an SEO specialist and avid anime lover, I couldn’t help but share my top ten anime list from 2014. Each show on this list has its own unique charm and deserves recognition. If you’re looking for some anime recommendations, these are the ones to check out!

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